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Another effin newbie


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Hey everyone!

I'm Wes. Yes I am the same "themrwes" guy from Columbus Racing forum. I have a couple bikes and multiple cars. You can usually find me at cars and coffee Saturday mornings. I've always been a lone wolf when it comes to riding. I've wrecked a few times due to others acting like idiots and wrecking out right in front of me or hitting me. I'm originally from Grandview Heights and now live just north of Arlington.

Sad there are so few days left in the season before the awful white stuff hits ground.

Well anyway he all and look forward to making friends here!

Have a good one everyone!

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There are a few people on cr that are less than desirable but majority of the guys are really cool. Most everyone there know each other in person and so when you get the ball busting and slams it's usually just in good fun. But yea there are trolls and guys that never come out from behind the keyboard, ya kinda get that everywhere though.

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