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Accident on 270, the video


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He arrived at my back bumper, hovered for a second then passed.    I had been in that lane only a few seconds, and he (half) joined the lane at the same time that I did - he just was traveling faster than me at the time he joined the lane.  I didn't have the option to move right because by the time he reached the half-way-in-the-lane point he immediately departed the lane and began his pass.  He was never fully in the left lane behind me.



Looks like plenty of open lane to your right. Did you just pass a stretch of cars, or what? Where is the rest of the video? I'd really like to see what you're not showing us.



Reading comprehension…

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Sure it's the other guy's fault for hitting you...


But why were you using the left hand lane if you weren't passing anyone?  You've provided video evidence previously that you like to fuck with people while you're on the road.... And saying "there's no law saying I can't drive in the left lane at the speed limit!" is just asinine.  The left lane (which you've called the "fast" lane) is for passing.  If everyone would get on board with this, traffic would flow a lot smoother.


I'm glad you're ok, and I'm glad you have a carefully sculpted video to cover your ass and make sure you get paid, but please...


Stay out of the left lane next time unless you're passing someone, okay?  You stated you and he got in the left lane at the same time, and that he wasn't there very long at all.... Which makes me think that you got in it to keep him from passing you.  


Again, glad you're okay.

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Sure it's the other guy's fault for hitting you...


But why were you using the left hand lane if you weren't passing anyone?  You've provided video evidence previously that you like to fuck with people while you're on the road.... And saying "there's no law saying I can't drive in the left lane at the speed limit!" is just asinine.  The left lane (which you've called the "fast" lane) is for passing.  If everyone would get on board with this, traffic would flow a lot smoother.


I'm glad you're ok, and I'm glad you have a carefully sculpted video to cover your ass and make sure you get paid, but please...


Stay out of the left lane next time unless you're passing someone, okay?  You stated you and he got in the left lane at the same time, and that he wasn't there very long at all.... Which makes me think that you got in it to keep him from passing you.  


Again, glad you're okay.


You're a little behind the curve on this.  I'll let you get caught up before replying.  :)

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Didn't seem like you tried to prevent this from happening. Yes he was aggressive, but you know he was coming over after he passed you. GTFO of the way and let him throw his little fit.


That's one way of looking at it.  Another is that he came in too quickly for me to do anything about it.  It was about a second.

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That's one way of looking at it.  Another is that he came in too quickly for me to do anything about it.  It was about a second.


You were obviously watching him, based on your detailed descriptions of when he changed lanes to get behind you, how long he stayed there, how far away he was, and when he started to pass you.  You probably could've avoided this "accident" if you'd wanted to, but he cut it too close and he picked the wrong person to try and bully.


He wanted to be a dick and cut you off, and you wanted to be a dick and fight for your spot in the left lane and not let him get by.


Whatever, he got what he deserved and one day you will too.  We all will.  

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I freely admit I expected him to do something stupid.  But I was not prepared for him to do something suicidal.


Don't forget this whole thing started because he wanted to go faster than traffic.  I just happened to be the next guy in line.   The fisheye lens makes thing look further away - I was at a normal following distance of about 2 seconds behind the guy in front of me.


I was expecting him to ride the line, swerve towards me or whatever.  I also didn't think slowing down or speeding up would change that - if I slowed down then he'd still do the same thing if he was so inclined.  I figured I'd hold my course and let him have his tantrum.


I also freely admit that I failed to anticipate that he'd be stupid enough to come completely into my lane and intentionally hit me, though.  As I saw him swerve I though it was just that, a quick swerve to scare me.  It went from; "Yup, there he goes" to "FUCK" in under a second.

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Just seems like you were an instigator in the whole situation. If he was tailing you move over and let him by. I'm sure you saw him coming in your mirror, why wouldn't you just get out of his way?? Now your car is jacked and you put many other lives at risk, not just yours and theirs. This could have been a major accident possibly killing someone. Would you still post it if that happened? I think there is another side of the story that we aren't getting.

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Just seems like you were an instigator in the whole situation. If he was tailing you move over and let him by. I'm sure you saw him coming in your mirror, why wouldn't you just get out of his way?? Now your car is jacked and you put many other lives at risk, not just yours and theirs. This could have been a major accident possibly killing someone. Would you still post it if that happened? I think there is another side of the story that we aren't getting.



From earlier:


It started and was over in a few seconds.  This wasn't an ongoing thing.  He arrived at my back bumper, hovered for a second then passed.    I had been in that lane only a few seconds, and he (half) joined the lane at the same time that I did - he just was traveling faster than me at the time he joined the lane.  I didn't have the option to move right because by the time he reached the half-way-in-the-lane point he immediately departed the lane and began his pass.  He was never fully in the left lane behind me.  I wish I had a rear camera running.  Gonna put one in now, I guess.


His insurance just called and accepted liability.  Car's booked in for tomorrow at the body shop.


The entire event took less than 10 seconds from him getting into the lane behind me to hitting me.  He was behind me for 2 seconds before starting to pass me, not enough time to change lanes.  It took him 7 seconds to pass and change lanes into me, during which time I could not change lane because he was there.  


...aaand I'm done defending myself.  Now back to your regularly scheduled program. 

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truck guy is a dragon level dildo and got what he deserved.  you should consider pressing criminal charges (if you haven't mentioned doing so already) since he clearly intended harm to you and only did it because he didn't know about your dash cam.

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It is absolutely horrendous to me that having a camera rolling, while you're driving/riding, sounds like a good idea. Our culture is severely unhealthy.


One of the reasons that 90% of the crazy road rage/wild car crash videos are from Russia.  Pretty sure that most of the vehicles on the the streets in that country are running a video cam.

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There's probably a connection between a driver with a camera and how "polite" they drive.

Absolutely. Knowing the police will review the video means I cannot risk doing anything stupid. The cop asked to watch the two minutes leading up to the crash. Had I engaged in any stupidity or road rage he would have dinged me for it.

The cop said the video helped out a ton. The witness that the cops took a statement from saw the truck pass me and change lanes but could not comment on anything before that. The officer said other driver claimed I was road raging him first. He said the video was key to exonerating me. He said if he'd seen any road rage from me then he would have ticketed us both.

Yeah, the camera forces you to consider that any action might wind up in front of a judge.

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So far I've received 20 phones calls and 7 letters offering chiropractors, attorneys, bodyshops and all manner of bollocks.  I think the best advice is to not list your cellphone on the accident report. 

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So far I've received 20 phones calls and 7 letters offering chiropractors, attorneys, bodyshops and all manner of bollocks. I think the best advice is to not list your cellphone on the accident report.

You would probably be surprised of how many people actually take them up on their offers of bs.

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