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F***k cancer


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You can't just post that without someone asking what you're talking about, so I promise not to cry. Lay it on me.


You asked for it.


My good friend just lost his 2 year battle to cancer on Friday. He was my shoulder to cry on and support when I found out that I had cancer at the age of 19. Yesterday was his funeral.


Our other mutal friend is trying to deal with getting breast cancer for the 3rd time. She is 33. She was going to try and make it up for the funeral when she found out that her twin sister died of breast cancer and was 6 months pregnant. She had to go over to Germany to pick up the ashes. The sister left her other daughter (less than a year old) to my friend. She had already signed the paper work and was on a flight over to pick her up when she found out the little girl died during open heart surgery.

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I am really afraid my friend is going to give up. She has been doing chemo but the Dr.s want to do a double masectomy and hystorectomy. If she doesn't hit it hard they have given her 3 months. Taking custody of her niece was a pretty big kick in the ass to do every thing she can but now I am afraid that this is the end.

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No words can convey enough hope and strength to comfort anyone in this situation, or just being part of a situation like it. Has to be a feeling of absolute anguish and helplessness. So tragic to hear. Cant say much more than these fine folks have. We are here for ya

Unimaginable. What does one even say?

There are no words.  I don't know you but I am just so, so sorry.

Speechless, Gen. That's truly awful. I wish you the best dealing with all this. Please let us know if you need anything.

Gen3, this is really sad. I hope and pray the mutual friend finds the strength to get through this.

You know we are all here for you.

I will keep you and all associated in my prayers. I don't wish cancer on my worst enemy .

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