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Time to wake up.


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No new developments yet, They finally turned my gas back on yesterday around 2pm. It got down to 34 degrees in my house.


This whole situation is a fucking joke. Nothing in my garage got hurt that I can't replace, but the insurance is saying if it was arson (which is suspected) that I would have to go after the fire starter to fix the foundation on my garage.


The garage isn't really that bad, it was leaning before this happened. But the roof is fucked. I threw my tarp over some of the stuff on that side of the building.

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Legally, that sounds fishy to me.

If YOU were suspected of arson, then sure, your insurance co would be hesitant to pay, but it's not your fault your neighbor might be a criminal. Your insurance company should fix your house, and then it's on THEM to sue the neighbor and/or his insurance company. That's the point of insurance....

What I'm saying is, consult an attorney...

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