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Message to CL sellers: don't be a d*ck when someone wants to give you their money


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I swear - I don't know if I'm just the nicest guy on CL or what, but it sure seems like most people are freakin' stupid.


I've text'd 2 people (per instructions in their ads) to setup a time to check out their bikes, no response.


Today (just now) , I call a guy about his 750 Katana - great price, ad says to call and doesn't mention any hours so I call the guy (11:10am). Guy answers the phone and I say


Me: "Hi I'm Dave, I saw your CL ad and I'm calling about your Katana. How you doing?"


Sellter (sounding annoyed): "well I just got woke up",


Me: "Oh, sorry is there a better time I can call you back?" 


seller(sounding annoyed): "Not really I'm about to go to work"


me: "Ok, well I just have a couple of questions about the bike."


seller: "I just started it yesterday and rode it around the block a couple of times"


me: "How are the tires? Any dry rot on the sides?"


seller (sounding annoyed): "if you read the ad you know that it comes with new tires"


me (I have the ad open right in front of me): "I see it says that it comes with new tires, are the tires installed on the bike?"


seller (sounding like i"m asking the dumbest questions in the world): "NO, it means that tires come with the bike"


me: "You know what, thanks anyway. Have a good day"


It's like I can't find someone cool to give my money to. When I have an ad up, if someone messages me I respond very quickly and tell them what's going on. If someone takes the time to call me I take the call, am polite, answer their questions and try to get them to come look at whatever I'm selling.


Hard to believe but that's the way its gone. If you're selling something on CL and someone takes the time to check into what you're selling, don't be a dick - treat people the way you'd want to be treated.


/end rant.


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right there with you.


JB was running into a lot of that when he was trying to buy his CRF100.


I have gotten some annoyed people too when I ask for pictures before driving a long distance to see something I'm not sure I will be taking home with me.  I also enjoy the people who are insulted by any offer that isn't their asking price - when the ad says "obo" in the text.  You just want to ask them, "well... how many offers do you HAVE?"


Part of me thinks it's just a part of the sales process.  The same shit went down when I told the car dealership I wouldn't budge over $5500 for my corolla.  I walked away, and the sales guy chased me across the street to close the deal. 

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CL people are the worst. I've sold several bikes on there and people always ask the same question: 'what's the least you'll take for it?' To which I reply 'what's the most you'll give me?'

Then there's the guys that wanna trade you some car audio and a lifted ford ranger with no title and a broken axle...

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CL people are the worst. I've sold several bikes on there and people always ask the same question: 'what's the least you'll take for it?' To which I reply 'what's the most you'll give me?'

Then there's the guys that wanna trade you some car audio and a lifted ford ranger with no title and a broken axle...



Or cat food car audio, a carpet scrubber, and batteries. :facepalm:

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Then there's the guys that wanna trade you some car audio and a lifted ford ranger with no title and a broken axle...


I honestly don't mind those people as long as they acknowledge that there's a slim chance that I want what they're offering and don't act like it's gold-plated diamonds they're offering.


I offered a guy a no-name stereo receiver and a pair of old Yamaha speakers in partial trade for an XR100 bottom-end, I just made sure I premised the text with "$100 is fair, but any chance you're interested in..."   He was cool about it.  How am I supposed to know he's not interested in what I have to trade unless I ask?


(PM me if anyone is interested in my old stereo!)

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Slightly off topic, but I bet talking to the seller of this bike would be interesting:



Every jail i'm aware of publishes a roster, so it shouldn't be an issue to confirm at least a portion of her story.


With a little legwork confirming that it's indeed not stolen, I would consider throwing $200 at it to race or sell.  $1000 is delusional though...

Edited by redkow97
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Slightly off topic, but I bet talking to the seller of this bike would be interesting:




Lost title and key, but everything matches on the bike, all numbers match, not stolen. Baby's father is in jail and can't get the title. Key replacement is $250. Only thing missing is ferings.


What are ferings?




Somehow spelling seems to relate to the price.

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Post said sellers phone numbers so we can have some fun with them.


I wouldn't do that - dude sounded a bit angry lol!


I think you could find the information you seek if you check CL for a 750 Katana on the west side for $2600 though... :)

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I hate using CL but to me it's the most efficient way to sell things locally. I'm selling my bike now and I've received countless texts asking if the bike is still for sale, then no response after I tell them it is. It seems to go both ways. You have people that are just looking but not really interested and end up just wasting your time just to see a bike and not want to negotiate a price. Then on the other had, when you're looking to buy, you have buyers that are unresponsive and don't give you all the information as well. I don't like it when people aren't completely straight forward about what they are selling or when they try to dodge questions they don't want to answer. I mean it's honestly not that hard to be a decent human being. Or is that just too much to ask haha.

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I hate using CL but to me it's the most efficient way to sell things locally. I'm selling my bike now and I've received countless texts asking if the bike is still for sale, then no response after I tell them it is. It seems to go both ways. You have people that are just looking but not really interested and end up just wasting your time just to see a bike and not want to negotiate a price. Then on the other had, when you're looking to buy, you have buyers that are unresponsive and don't give you all the information as well. I don't like it when people aren't completely straight forward about what they are selling or when they try to dodge questions they don't want to answer. I mean it's honestly not that hard to be a decent human being. Or is that just too much to ask haha.


100% agreed.  The good thing is that you can differentiate yourself pretty easily and sometimes bargain an amazing deal.  i.e. I do well BUYING on CL because I'm responsive, clear and make the transaction as smooth as budda for the seller.  I communicate up front as soon there is a rapport, something to the effect of "OK, if the bike is as advertised, would you take $X for it?  There's a YYY bank just a mile north we could go to after I have a look-over where we'd do the money-for-notarized-title dance and I'd ride/trailer it home, easy peasey" and so on.  If they balk on the price, I measure their response and can usually resume the deal by just letting them stew for a day or two while trying to deal with fidiots.  It also gives them time to get over surprise emotional attachments to the item.


As a SELLER, it's a different matter and a harder row to hoe.  Everyone wants a deal steal and flakes are a-plenty.  I worry about physical and property security during and after the sale, so more often than not I sell to a friend or friend of a friend, or trade the bike in at a dealership since I've already bought well.

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I know selling on  CL is a PITA - I've sold more guitars/amps on there over the last 2 years than I can count. I just sold my bike and that went well, but I was also willing to move off my asking price so that helped.


I respond to every text or email I get - in a timely fashion. I do get tired of "is it still available?" when I put in the ad "if that ad is up, it's available"...!! But at the end of the day I want the buyers $$$ so I make sure I do everything I can to get it.


I called 2 people this morning about their bikes on CL - I hope at least 1 gets back to me lol!

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Agreed with all this. Anyone who has used CL more than a few times knows what to expect. The ever popular question "what's the lowest you'll take?" and "is it still for sale?" (Then no reply) is probably never going to stop as long at teenagers are sitting in the library at school hopelessly dreaming about all the things they want to buy on there.

I will say, it's pretty annoying getting that first question multiple times for the same item, I always tell them "make me an offer" to which they usually don't respond.

But personally, other than dealing with that stuff that that any free listing, no account needed website will provoke, I've had many great experiences with CL. I've bought and traded and have dealt with 90% good people. Granted some of them ignorant, you just need to manage your expectations with CL. Best way to do that is to research whatever it is you're interested in, chances are 15 minutes of research will make you an expert compared to the person selling what you want. If you know exactly what it's worth, what condition it's in, ect. The person will likely see that you know your shit and pretty much let's you negotiate in your favor.

If you "hate" CL then you probably are just fine with paying the premium on the things you buy from dealers or shops (because you have the money).

I on the other hand, am a lower income college student who loves finding killer deals on anything I buy, I've saved so much money on some things it's ridiculous. Without CL I definitely wouldn't have afforded my bike, and I certainly wouldn't have been able to trade up to better cars like I have, I loved my last car that I traded for plus cash, and I really love my jeep that I straight up traded for.

I am an advocate, but I'm not against an entertaining rant resulting from its use. [emoji4]

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I've bought and sold tons of stuff on craigslist. Always be armed and have a buddy present when making a deal. Never had an issue.


Prudent advice.  Maybe less important when you're trading small-ticket items in a public space, but inviting people to your home warrants a lot more forethought.

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I've bought and sold tons of stuff on craigslist. Always be armed and have a buddy present when making a deal. Never had an issue.

There are definitely flakes aplenty on both sides of the game.


it's also just as easy to suggest that you meet at the police station.


My wife is selling some stuff on CL right now.  The buyer is from Lake County, and her boyfriend met me IN the courthouse, which is directly across the street from the sheriff's department.  Security lifted two blades off of him.


I don't think the guy had any intention of pulling a knife on me and stiffing me on the deal, but I know his face and license plate were on camera at some point, and I was on notice that he had blades in his pocket before I walked him to my car and made the transaction.  No police department in the world would object to you conducting a sales transaction in their lobby if you explain what's going on.  Cash transactions can be dangerous, and they'd rather be witnesses to the transaction than have to respond to a robbery report afterward.

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it's also just as easy to suggest that you meet at the police station.


My wife is selling some stuff on CL right now.  The buyer is from Lake County, and her boyfriend met me IN the courthouse, which is directly across the street from the sheriff's department.  Security lifted two blades off of him.


I don't think the guy had any intention of pulling a knife on me and stiffing me on the deal, but I know his face and license plate were on camera at some point, and I was on notice that he had blades in his pocket before I walked him to my car and made the transaction.  No police department in the world would object to you conducting a sales transaction in their lobby if you explain what's going on.  Cash transactions can be dangerous, and they'd rather be witnesses to the transaction than have to respond to a robbery report afterward.


This is some rather good advice. I can't believe I've never thought of this. I wonder how one would go about doing this with a car or motorcycle. I have a CCW so I conceal to every CL transaction I attend, and typically bring a friend with me as well. 

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Maybe it was already mentioned but they have craigslist safe zones now since that couple got axed in Alabama or Tenessee.. Usually at the sherif's office.

I never give my actual address, full name or tell my work hours.

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