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This is my first post ever on reddit. Figured you guys would appreciate the story. Hopefully I get this right.


I park my 07 V-Strom in my apartment complex’s communal garage. Two weeks ago I started to wake it from its winter slumber and noticed a liquid dripping down my fork, brakes, and front tire. Imgur and Imgur


I cleaned the mess and began my research into possible causes. Some people on a motorcycle forum recommended tasting it. Knowing this was the only scientifically sound test, I obliged – spit, not swallowed as per instructions. Based off the taste, it was determined my forks were leaking, although, I was skeptical because of its lack of viscosity. 


Everyday I walked by my bike I had a new puddle to clean so I mentally prepared myself for a slightly expensive and laborious maintenance that I planned on performing this weekend. However, this happened today:


As I returned from work, parked my car and started walking toward my bike the door that leads to the apartment lobby opened. A man who is too lazy to put a jacket on and go for a walk let his little Chihuahua run free into the garage. Sure as shit this little prick went straight for my bike, lifted his leg, and created another puddle of “fork oil.” The man saw me, immediately called his dog and ran inside.


The good news is I don’t have to spend money on anything or waste my time fixing something that isn’t broken. The bad news…. I tasted dog pee. 


TL;DR; Saw a liquid leaking from my motorcycle everyday for the past two weeks. Tasted it to determine what it was. Today I witnessed a dog urinating on my bike. I tasted dog pee.

Shamelessly stolen from here: http://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/302xxc/big_mistake_tasting_my_motorcycles_fluids/

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I propose a research study to see if Violent punishments affect future behaviors.


Dog owners are the WORST.  I had my bicycle helmet locked to my bike once and i noticed a puddle below it when i came back. I thought maybe some one spilled a drink or some ice was melting. Then i saw yellow drips still coming down my tire. I had just passed a guy with a dog on a leash, a kid, and flowers for his missus. Such a caring guy in a upscale beachside neighborhood feels no need to leave a note to warn someone so they don;t spill his dog;s urine on their head after already ruining their helmet. 

So I smashed the hell out of it in a bit of a tantrum without putting it on my head or tasting it...

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I'm a chemist. Not at all likely that I would have tasted an unknown fluid. Smell works better and is safer. 


But still, after reading that, I feel a need to spit and spit...

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