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I was convinced by my uncle to pull both triggers on a 16 gauge when I was about 12. I looked like that, it was epic. He was cool, got me drunk and laid when I was 16, taught me how to poach deer and not get caught..he was DNR....died on his bike and I bet he was smiling his ass off. Heck of a man.

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I was convinced by my uncle to pull both triggers on a 16 gauge when I was about 12. I looked like that, it was epic. He was cool, got me drunk and laid when I was 16, taught me how to poach deer and not get caught..he was DNR....died on his bike and I bet he was smiling his ass off. Heck of a man.


Everyone has that uncle.  Mine has calmed down a bit in the last decade or so, but when I remember the wild days.  Not the drug-trafficking days, but the DUI days at least.


My wife's uncle has gone missing 3 separate times.  My father-in-law has spent ungodly amounts of money on private investigators and attorneys in Florida and Texas trying to find him, and/or prove he's dead so he can make changes to his mother's estate assets.


We joked about getting the two of them together in the same room at our wedding reception, but one randomly didn't show, despite that fact that our family had purchased flights for both of them to attend...  We should have seen that coming.  Oh, and the one who DID attend our wedding forgot his teeth at home.

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