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Home security systems


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I find it laughable that dogs have been used for security for centuries, but now they're useless for that very purpose.


hey, maybe i'm dead wrong and Kramer will protect us - but i'm not going to bank on that.


I'm the head of the house. It's MY job to protect the dogs, not their job to protect me.

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Well, we just have different dynamics when our animals are concerned. I wouldn't count on our beagle to come to our rescue. I wholly expect my Kelpie to stand his ground and defend any one of us, to his dying breath.

If you don't know if your dog will die defending you, then don't bet on it.

I am the head of my house and it's my dog's job to die defending me. I've no doubt that he would.

Like your style, and yes, obviously if someone shot my dog to death then I would assume I will have enough time to arm myself and handle it.  Not to mention the security system going off and knowing my neighbors are armed just as heavy as I am makes me feel okay with that.


My dog is a tool, yes he is also a family member, but he is a tool.  I didn't get a chow/sheppard mutt to be cute and cuddly, I got him because he is good with what he was made to do.  If I could I would get a Tibetan Mastiff, but I don't think that would help my HOI premium nor the chances of my kids living a normal life playing in the house and on the ground since the dogs weigh like 200+ lbs and are meaner than the devil.


I do also find it funny that dogs now a days often aren't used for what they were intended for.  So many sleep on king size beds, couches, all that jazz, never do any form of work or protection their whole life.  Must suck.

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My Chow/Lab mix was put to the test 2Xs in her long 16 years with me, and both times she passed.  She was the most gentle dog you would ever want to meet, She help many a child with dog fear get over it, but you better hope you can climb a tree fast if you try to hurt her pack.  Now I have the German Sheppard mix (or the vet thinks she might be a Belgian Malinois) and I have little doubt she too would protect.  I think she would bark and growl her head off until I give the command or am incapacitated, but I hope I never find out. 


Is a dog alone a good security solution, no, but it helps, and having a buddy is awesome too.  I am sure most random B&E tards will move on to the next place if they hear a large bark going on, it is just not worth the trouble to them. B&E is all about easy opportunity. 

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I'm trying to come up with a solution that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.  By the time I buy a base station, put a sensor on the garage door, each entry door and then on the first floor windows it seems to get expensive pretty quickly.  

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Most dogs make good deterrents. If you're a random target and the scumbag sees big piles of shit and a heavy cable in the yard, they're less likely to intrude on your home with their scum-fuckery. Dogs also make a great alarm if they are somewhat trained, giving you time to arm yourself as previously stated. Finally if a dog is especially territorial or aggressive or if he has been trained specifically to protect the home from strangers that you did not show him you approve of, a dog will die defending your home.

My dog is just a companion and might be a deterrent or alert but I don't expect him to try and protect my home.

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Most dog security systems can be easily bypassed with a cheap piece of steak.

Remember kids, a security system isn't there to protect you and your family, it's to protect your stuff and provide an early warning to you and to let the cops know to send the meat wagon if you happen to be home when the poor sap break in.

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  • 3 months later...

So, I just went through all of this.  Moved into a home, supposed to be one of the best neighborhoods in Hilliard, blah blah.  Well we back up to a park so it's easy for people to sneak in and out via the trail system to the other areas.


With that said, we had ADT in the house already, hardwired system, you know, came with the new house in 98.  I called around, did a TON of research and talked to 4 companies.  1 local and 3 DIY ones that are 100% wireless and you build the systems yourself or can buy their packages.  In my case I did not and could not use motion detectors due to my dog roaming all day.  So I got window and door sensors on the ones I wanted and added a glass break sensor per the recommendation of 1 tech. 


I called Livewatch(Who we ended up with), and 2(Frontpoint, Simplesafe) other wireless ones.  Anyways, the 2 we did not go with were too pushy and one was even rude IMHO, and seemed they wanted to oversell me all kinds of stuff.  With Livewatch I built my system, and paid for it up front, $290ish, but I have NO contract and in the first 12 months can cancel anytime and return the whole thing for 100% money back except the monthly fees I would have already paid for.  The other 2 I had to have 3 year contracts with which had a higher monthly fee BUT the cost of the items were included in the fee.  


Big thing you MUST have now is "Smash and Grab" on the unit.  It is a 100% must, battery backup and automatically sends a call out if someone disconnects the unit from power or smashes/grabs it.  Some systems just die if that happens.


If anyone goes with Livewatch I have 2 free months for each of you and I get 2 free months too.  I also have a great sales lady.  Give me a call or text me.  419-610-5sixsixsix, or PM me.


I researched this for 3 months straight.

Dredging up a slightly old thread...

So now that you've had the system for awhile...what are your thoughts? I need to get a system installed sooner than later so reviewing options right now.

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