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Circleville practice Sunday 4/12/15


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The weather is currently a low of 50 and a high of 68 for Sunday.  Partly cloudy, but dry.


I'm cashing in the last of my birthday points with the wife and leaving Cleveland around 7:00 to be at CRP before 10 (with a stop for breakfast and coffee)


Several other OMRL regulars and at least a couple new riders have also said they're going to be there some time on Saturday.  Off the top of my head:


Devon & Andrea said they would be there by 10:30

Justin claims he is riding 9-4

new guy (joel?) is driving in Friday night, I think.

other new guy has a 7 hour drive, and is definitely coming in Friday night

Ben say he'll be there, but didn't specify a time. 

Gavin and Adam also didn't specify a time, and I don't know if Adam is riding.

Conrad is trying to get someone to cover him at the fire house in the afternoon.


It should be a fun day with enough people to catch a tow, but not so crowded that you can't find some open track.


It is highly likely we will be splitting time with karts, but we pretty much make our own rules as far as which direction we're going, etc. when it's our turn.


Come on out - even if it's just to say hello.

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I don't think I'll have tires mounted by then. I really want to come try that track.


I can bring spoons if you want to try to mount them at the track.  Just let me know ASAP.  I'd havfe to pick up the spoons from the race shop before 4:30.


I'll be leaving work at 3:30.  PM me.

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I ordered the tires 2 days ago, I don't know if they'll arrive in time is what I meant, lol.

Thanks though.

I may just hit up g&j, I made a lot of changes to the 450 that it might be good to figure out on a familiar track.

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I can bring spoons if you want to try to mount them at the track.  Just let me know ASAP.  I'd havfe to pick up the spoons from the race shop before 4:30.


I'll be leaving work at 3:30.  PM me.


I may have to do a tire change at the track. Would you mind bringing the spoons? 

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Neither bike wants to cooperate. I'll be there, but not sure how long I'll stay if the bikes keep acting up. Should've probably got them out and fired up before tonight. Oops.

Stick around long enough for Gump and I to hear you make VroomVroom noises in the pits. We're riding down for the LoL's. [emoji12]
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I didn't wreck!! Woo!! Still slow as crap though. :lol:


You may be on to something there...  Try eating Mexican Friday night.  I can almost guarantee you nature will call during Saturday practice, and you will be EXTREMELY motivated to set a personal best getting back to the pits as quickly as possible :D



It was a great day overall. I wish we had gotten started a bit sooner, but nothing was stopping me from suiting up and going for it...  Once we were out there, I was pleased that I felt pretty good on the bike almost right away.  Not fast, but not uncomfortable either.


I forgot how my lap timer works, and assumed it would turn on automatically when I passed the beacon.  It didn't.  I didn't catch every lap either. I think my brake cable blocks the IR sensor sometimes.


I did manage to catch a series of :58's and one :57.28, which is almost certainly my fastest lap of the day.  Gavin and Devon are on another level.  Jeff may catch them as the season wears on, but I was keeping up with him.  He is much more capable than me, but he was making mistakes and running off track a lot.  I won't catch Biggie. He's consistently in the :55's with Gavin and Devon.


I'd like to break into the :55's this year, but I don't see myself doing a whole race in that range.

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