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There is not an app for that.


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Now that Apple has it's own watch it is purging any app in Itunes that supports any watch other than Apple's. Dead Steve has decided there will only be one watch for Iphones.




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I have a pebble and they better not pull support for it... because although I want an Apple Watch, that shit is just too damn expensive.


Get some lube man, you are about to get an Apple up the butt.

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that was my first thought. I'm not a fan of Apple (mainly because of the bad design of the power/lock button on the 4 and 4s) but I'm not going to kill them for pulling support for a competitors watch.

Then they should have stopped it in the beginning and never let Pebble sell compatable watches in the first place.

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To be an early adopter requires some need to be out in front of the technology.  Otherwise, you're in for frustration such as Tonik's.  The Moto360, Apple Watch, etc., will be a wait and see thing for me.  Give me a compelling case that I need this.


It's strange that watches have become less useful anyway since mobile phones arrived.  I get time and date from the phone - or my PC, or iPad.  Even the dash of my bike or car.  Looking at a watch is more habit than anything.

Edited by DAC
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Great points DAC.  I've thought a bit about it and I'll confess that a watch fills several roles for me: 1) It's so easy for me to glance at my wrist - the motion is intuitive and immediate, which is why I also like watches that display the day and date.  When I'm huffing down a hallway at work with my phone in pocket and iPad in hand, it's nice to glance quickly at my wrist to see how fast I should huff! :-)  2) When I was flying, I wore a GMT watch - one that displays a second time zone so that I could more quickly translate to universal coordinated time for flight plans, weather reports, scheduling, etc.  3) I'll admit to using watches a bit for costume effect.  At work, their weight and appearance remind me to stay in a more formal character.  All the world's a stage as they say, at least when you're getting paid.


I do agree with people of the last century that the position of a wristwatch is superior over a pocket watch.  When you think about it, that's what a Pebble, Moto, iWatch, etc. are trying to solve over a pocketed phone.  I'm a bit fan of looking at these things as "augmented reality" devices in much the same way GPS augments your positional awareness, especially in fighter-pilot HUD form.  When these watches hold a charge for 3, 4 or more days, and can simplify walking directions down to the meeting room, and can make keeping in touch with family members, coworkers and systems more simply, then I'll gladly shell out $500 or maybe more.

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I've had a pebble for, oh, a year and a half now, and I'm never going back to non-smartwatch.  It's like how before there were smartphones, no one really knew how integral a part of life it would become... And now almost EVERYONE has one.  Same thing with smartwatches.


It's a handy extension of the phone.  It's nice to know who's calling without getting out my phone.  It's nice to read text messages with phone in pocket.  See my notifications from apps, read emails, etc.  Also, when my phone sits on my dash while driving, my watch is a remote.  When I ride, I can skip songs.  I mean, the thing IS integrated into my life, and it's only a matter of time until smartwatches get cheaper and more people use them... just like smartphones.  

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