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I'm introducing my lovely and wonderful girlfriend to the world of seafood. She had only ever had friday-fish-fry style battered tilapia. I've introduced her to scallops, shrimp, mussels and some other stuff. Blah, blah

What's your favorite type of fish? I realized while perusing the seafood section there's fish I haven't even heard of, let alone consumed.

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Might not be fancy, but a good wild caught salmon is my favorite. Pan cooked with creole and a squeeze of fresh orange juice.

Doesn't need to be fancy! Having salmon tonight. I think it's my favorite fish I've had. Skin on--- don't know if it tastes better, or if I just think it does.
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Orange Roughy - maybe it was a one time deal, but that was nice


Catfish - but results vary - sometimes good, sometimes so so


edit: Flounder is good, but you have to spice it up - not much flavor - big on texture

Edited by ReconRat
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Beer battered fresh caught perch and boiled walleye cheeks on ice and cocktail sauce. Nothing better.

Edited by Gump
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Orange Roughy - maybe it was a one time deal, but that was nice

Catfish - but results vary - sometimes good, sometimes so so

edit: Flounder is good, but you have to spice it up - not much flavor - big on texture

Had to research the orange roughy. A life span of up to 149 years, wow. Sounds delicious. Never had anything "deep sea" minus bottom feeders.
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Are walleye cheeks a specific "cut" of the fish? I've never heard of them.

Yes. They're the actual cheeks. Best thing you will ever taste.

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Oysters ftw. I've never had walleye or crappie, what kind of buckeye am I?

And that's kind of fucked up, Gump lol I need to try these. I googled walleye cheeks and the images are gross. But I'll try most anything once.

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This was my salmon dinner. Jazz loved it. I got drunk and inhaled it. Salmon marinated in Lime juice, salt & pepper, Soy sauce, pineapple, and then melted butter. Rice is mixed with spinach. Similar seasoning.

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You bastard. I could live off sushi. Fun fact for all sushi lovers. Shinto sushi in strongsville does sushi rolling classes for around $140 per a COUPLE. You get 3 glasses of Saki, 3 glasses of wine and o shit you not as much sushi as you can make until they close. Jazz (my gf) and I did the classes as a two year anniversary date. They take great care of you. We brought home 5 trays of sushi we made. You can use any ingredients you like and make as much as you want. I was so full of Saki and sushi we almost got a.hotel. HIGHLY recommended for.sushi lovers.
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You bastard. I could live off sushi. Fun fact for all sushi lovers. Shinto sushi in strongsville does sushi rolling classes for around $140 per a COUPLE. You get 3 glasses of Saki, 3 glasses of wine and o shit you not as much sushi as you can make until they close. Jazz (my gf) and I did the classes as a two year anniversary date. They take great care of you. We brought home 5 trays of sushi we made. You can use any ingredients you like and make as much as you want. I was so full of Saki and sushi we almost got a.hotel. HIGHLY recommended for.sushi lovers.


as much as you can eat?


they will rue this day

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I don't eat a lot if sea food or freshwater fish. But I do like some muscles from time to time. Shrimp in butter and garlic. And I'll eat just about any sushi/sashimi.

Just usually to rich for my blood so I only get it when shrimp is on sale or when someone else is paying.

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Had to research the orange roughy. A life span of up to 149 years, wow. Sounds delicious. Never had anything "deep sea" minus bottom feeders.

Sadly, the Orange Roughy is fished out and hard to find. It will be expensive if found. I didn't mention game fish, but blue gills and crappies (specks for the Southern boys) and walleye and yellow perch are all good.

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Best fish I've ever eaten, and I eat out quite a bit on both coasts.... Cameron Mitchell's "M" had a seared Tuna block served rare with a port wine reduction. Absolutely melted in the mouth. Yum.

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See, I've never had a "bad" fish experience. Its all be acceptable, but some better than others. Oddly enough some of the worse fish I've ever had has been from oceanside restaurants in the Carolinas. Maybe I have a cheap pallet, but I've had some pretty "gamey" fish. I'll never forget the time I paid $50 for a bucket of shelled goodness in NC. Fresh caught daily. The crab taste like kelp and the oysters had sand in them. I think they boiled everything kind of as is with no seasoning. So it was fresh AF, but I did not enjoy it.

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Same here. Somewhat famous dockside restaurant in Baltimore. I thought it was crap.


Did you know... DNA testing of fish in big city restaurants, generally show an average of 39-55% of all fish sold is cheap catfish (or other cheapie), and not the item advertised. Restaurant blames the supplier, supplier blames the restaurant, yadda yadda... And nationwide isn't too honest either.


all new york city sushi joints, 100% "other fish"


More than half (59%) of the 46 fish types tested nationwide had mislabeling.

only 7 of 120 red snapper samples (6%!) collected nationwide were actually red snapper.

84% of white tuna samples were actually escolar, “a species that can cause serious digestive issues for some individuals who eat more than a few ounces.”




The local news ran the same tests in Columbus and found the same thing.

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