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Amazon New DATA Centers also to start collecting sales tax

Strictly Street

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Kind of a mixed reaction to the news. 


Cool that the data centers are going to be local to C-bus. More tech jobs is a good thing.

But the flip side is the sales tax issue because they have a actual brick and mortar presence in the state.


There may be other benefits to this as well, we'll have to wait and see.

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I'm waiting for them to give all the sales data to the IRS so they can chase everyone who "forgets" to pay their sales tax.

Edited by Gump
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Me too. If they do they should charge sales tax for out of US sellers also. Level the playing field. China's pushing hard with online sales and no or little freight bill. I'm Not sure how they're doing it and making money with their freight expenses. Huge discounts if you don't mind waiting for a month.

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If I'm reading the story right as an individual seller with no brick and mortar store items I sell will not be subject to tax no matter where the buyer lives. I hope.

if your an online seller, regardless if you have a building, and you sell from ohio, ship to ohio, you charge sales tax. Like I ordered something from Hollister who's shipping from NC, Shipped to my kid in NC, but I live in Ohio. I get charged sales tax. Amazon doesn't ship from Ohio now, so it's a deal buying from Smazon because there's no sales tax.

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OK that's fine Gump, so only buyers from Ohio will be charged sales tax when buying from me ? nobody from Ohio has ever bought from me before anyway.


Something about private sellers and tax stamps goes in here.

You don't have to charge sales tax on items you sell over the "First Owner Doctrine" meaning the first guy paid a tax already on the item.

Kinda like paying taxes on hay you feed to your horse and then selling the manure which has been taxed already before it was "processed" by the horse.


On the other hand Amazon will automatically add the tax to your purchase for Ohio residents/shipping addresses as they are the first seller.

The State will get a windfall in tax revenue because most people don't self-report their purchase and Amazon is not required to do so for out of state purchases.

But now that they have a physical presence in the state they are required to charge taxes on their sales inside the state.


Just trying to clear up the confusion over the article, which isn't clear on this point. :)


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Something about private sellers and tax stamps goes in here.

You don't have to charge sales tax on items you sell over the "First Owner Doctrine" meaning the first guy paid a tax already on the item.

Kinda like paying taxes on hay you feed to your horse and then selling the manure which has been taxed already before it was "processed" by the horse.

On the other hand Amazon will automatically add the tax to your purchase for Ohio residents/shipping addresses as they are the first seller.

The State will get a windfall in tax revenue because most people don't self-report their purchase and Amazon is not required to do so for out of state purchases.

But now that they have a physical presence in the state they are required to charge taxes on their sales inside the state.

Just trying to clear up the confusion over the article, which isn't clear on this point. :)


Try to tell the DMV that next time you buy a used car or bike.
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As soon as Amazon starts vharging me sales tax, I will only purchase from them if I cant find it elsewhere. We as citizens of this stat and of this nation are being taxed worse than anytime in history. Even at 78 to 82% of ones income they want more. This country was somewhat founded on a tax rebellion / freedom, and it is coming around full circle. I believe that it is coming time to consider another. 

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As soon as Amazon starts vharging me sales tax, I will only purchase from them if I cant find it elsewhere. We as citizens of this stat and of this nation are being taxed worse than anytime in history. Even at 78 to 82% of ones income they want more. This country was somewhat founded on a tax rebellion / freedom, and it is coming around full circle. I believe that it is coming time to consider another.

Remember when major corporations were off-shoring all those manufacturing jobs back in the 80's and. 90's?What did you think would happen with the loss of all of that tax base?

But hey,at least we can buy cheap socialist Chinese shit in our new information based work force.

Edited by drc32-0
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I don't buy online to avoid tax. I buy online to avoid people. This doesn't affect me in the slightest.


Affects me because Amazon's prices have crept up to the point where other vendors are beating them on nearly everything they sell anymore, and their once fast shipping has been spotty at best. My guaranteed 2-day shipping times have crept into 3 or even 4 days. Big deal? Yeah, when I'm paying a Prime premium and not getting any benefits of it. With tax on top of that, it's making them even less competitive. I buy online to avoid trips and people, but I also don't pay the most I possibly can. I'll go where the deal is the best.


Anymore, I'll do a quick Amazon search, then google it and 9 times out of 10 someone else has them beat. Now it's not even a contest. My Prime membership is about to expire, and I'm gonna let it.

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1000 jobs at a data center. The ones I've been to have never been that crowded.

That probably includes the construction crews that are building the place. Probably more like 50-100 jobs once the place is built. And that includes janitors. And the army of managers.

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I've never been a fan of amazon especially after they charged me $100 for a prime membership I never authorized and with no notification months after my first/last non-prime purchase and no record of it other than the credit card statement.


I did use up some gift card credit today towards a new tire. Still no tax added yet.

It's from motorcycle superstore who I could get it from directly anyway. I don't know any situations where more hands in the honey jar is better.

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I just got taxes today. I buy a lot. I like to avoid the people and time wasted as well. The revenue will help the state. It sucks to pay taxes. My son just started working at Amazon in Seattle this past Monday. Huge company that does way way more than move merchandise.

Riders Discount always cheaper.

I love their subscribe and save. Keeps me from thinking about the basics. Easy returns to Amazon as well.

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