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Chattanooga Marine Shooting - Thoughts on Radical Islam


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I thought that guy was trolling with all the racist statements.  Was he serious?


Anyway, this thread is full of generalizations.... Stop saying "Muslims" and and start saying "radical Muslims."


There's a huuuuuuuuuge difference.

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Anyway, this thread is full of generalizations.... Stop saying "Muslims" and and start saying "radical Muslims."


There's a huuuuuuuuuge difference.

The title of the thread says Radical Muslims, but one of the key points is that Moderate Muslims become Radical Muslims.  That is exactly what happened in Tennessee.

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I am so sick and tired of all the throwing around of calling many a racist and bigot, just as much ignorance is shown by saying such. Statements are nothing compared to actions, and we are all guilty of a racist or bigot statement at some point in time. Does not make you a racist, does not make you a bigot, and does not make you a person of hate and or violence against others. But here is the problem in the US and all throughout the world when it comes to "radial Islam", they are the only ones who are doing to others, what people of other extremest beliefs are not doing to others. So it is perfectly fine to call something what it very much is, and radial Islam is growing and is not going away unless the fight is taken to them viciously. Yes there will be collateral damage in order to kill the enemy, look no further than what happened during WWII.

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I am so sick and tired of all the throwing around of calling many a racist and bigot, just as much ignorance is shown by saying such. Statements are nothing compared to actions, and we are all guilty of a racist or bigot statement at some point in time. Does not make you a racist, does not make you a bigot, and does not make you a person of hate and or violence against others. But here is the problem in the US and all throughout the world when it comes to "radial Islam", they are the only ones who are doing to others, what people of other extremest beliefs are not doing to others. So it is perfectly fine to call something what it very much is, and radial Islam is growing and is not going away unless the fight is taken to them viciously. Yes there will be collateral damage in order to kill the enemy, look no further than what happened during WWII.

I prefer bias ply Islam, radial Islam is too soft in the corners.

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I am so sick and tired of all the throwing around of calling many a racist and bigot, just as much ignorance is shown by saying such. Statements are nothing compared to actions, and we are all guilty of a racist or bigot statement at some point in time. Does not make you a racist, does not make you a bigot, and does not make you a person of hate and or violence against others. But here is the problem in the US and all throughout the world when it comes to "radial Islam", they are the only ones who are doing to others, what people of other extremest beliefs are not doing to others. So it is perfectly fine to call something what it very much is, and radial Islam is growing and is not going away unless the fight is taken to them viciously. Yes there will be collateral damage in order to kill the enemy, look no further than what happened during WWII.

Didn't the last administration take the fight to them viciously?How did that work out for us?

How do you take it to them viciously when the enemy is in every country and the majority of Muslims are peaceful.how do you know who the enemy is until after the violent act?

Shock and awl baby.

Mission accomplished!!

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I thought that guy was trolling with all the racist statements. Was he serious?

Anyway, this thread is full of generalizations.... Stop saying "Muslims" and and start saying "radical Muslims."

There's a huuuuuuuuuge difference.

There is not a huge difference. In fact, the term radical Islam is redundant.
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Disagree. We ripped Afghanistan a new asshole after 9/11.

No.  We started off strong then caved in to political pressure and called it off before the job was finished.   Just like Iraq, half steps don't usually solve the issue.

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This thread is a perfect example of why we are in the mess we are in. Everyone wants to pin a bad guy and take care of that, but no one is paying attention to the details. It's Bush's fault for invading Iraq, its Obama's fault for not finishing Afghanistan. It's the Radical Muslims. Stop picking on the Muslims, they are mostly cool. You folks are thinking in terms of countries and religions.


It is more complicated than that, and yet more simple. First, Western Muslims are for the most part cool. Even this most recent asshat went to Jordan...bet you hate filled donuts he was radicalized over there. And for the most part, Mid-Eastern Muslims are asshats hell bent on killing you. Even the Muslims in Saudi Arabia, and Turkey want to rip off your head and shit down your throat. The only reason they are not doing that is because we are propping them up and keeping the Iran's and Iraq's from killing them.


Important point. Mid East Muslims hate everyone (like I do) that are not part of their TRIBE.  Did you get that, there are tribes, and this is a HUGE part of it...more important than the Muslim angle. These asshat tribes have been killing each other since before your fake Christ walked on water. Iran, Iraq, Afgan and Lebanon are Shia...they are currently hell bent on killing you.  Saudi, Turkey and so on are Sunni, and while they want to kill you they are willing to wait as long as we are killing Shia and propping up their governments with weapons and cash and food.  This is FAR more about tribal dominance than religion and until we recognize that we are doomed to continue down the path.


The enemy of your enemy is your friend. For now.


As for collateral damage, they don't give a shit. They do not value life, they value death...if it includes Martyrdom. So when you kill their kids they celebrate that child's Martyrdom...and it gives validation to their lives...a life that is mostly defined by killing and hating us.  Understand that, Mid-East asshats do not value life. Until you accept that you won't be able to address the problem.


The answer is simple, pick a Shia country and fucking nuke it. Continue nuking Shia countries until there are no more, or they get the hint. At that point we will probably need to nuke a few Sunni's. Personally, I don't mind at all. When was the last time Israel whined about the Pali's firing rockets at them? It has been awhile, because not long ago the Israeli army invaded Paliland and killed them indiscriminately so the Paliasshats stopped rockets for awhile.


Mid east Muslims can take a hint, you just have to hit them over the head with it. Very hard. Much like the people on OR.

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Didn't the last administration take the fight to them viciously?How did that work out for us?

How do you take it to them viciously when the enemy is in every country and the majority of Muslims are peaceful.how do you know who the enemy is until after the violent act?

Shock and awl baby.

Mission accomplished!!


Nope...was not vicious at all, we are capable of much much more viciousness. WWII ended because we and Russia were vicious, and we cared much less about political correctness and collateral damage. Collateral damage is extremely unfortunate, but is necessary to ultimately win a war. Like has already been said, there is no right answer or solution.....however some strategies and show of force would in fact be effective. Keep thinking and wishing that these radicals won't continue to attack here on US soil, they will in fact continue to do so, and there will be another tragic event occur due to ignorance from not profiling and investigating individuals. Your president does not want to offend his brethren, and he has pretty much left Israel out to the wolves. Israel will not fuck around if push comes to shove, they will annihilate their enemies and not lose a moments sleep over it. We have become soft as a country, but our military is anything but soft and soldiers are chomping at the bit to wipe out Isis and any other group like them.

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The way you win any war is to inflict as much damage as possible until you break your enemies capacity to continue and their spirit to fight.  It's not over until there is a surrender.  Germany surrendered.  Japan vowed not to surrender, but they did after the second atomic bomb.  BTW, those two bombs prevented more YEARS of war and saved the lives of countless Marines who were preparing to invade the Japanese mainland.


There was no surrender in Iraq or Afghanistan or Six-pack-istan.  Those wars ended because enough politicians felt they were losing public support and therefore might not get reelected.  So they said enough bombs were dropped and declared victory.  The enemy was not destroyed.  Those half steps created the next generation of terrorists.


Terrorist groups and the countries that give them safe haven should be scared to death of feeling the wrath of the USA.  Today, they certainly are not.     

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I believe another potential issue is the UN.  Since we have signed on with their charter it would be really tough to throw down the big hammer on certain countries without reprise from the UN.


IMO...the UN can go suck a small limp dick for all I care.  If we're being asked to be "Big Brother" to the world then we should act accordingly and start crackin' skull in several countries.

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The way you win any war is to inflict as much damage as possible until you break your enemies capacity to continue and their spirit to fight.  It's not over until there is a surrender.  Germany surrendered.  Japan vowed not to surrender, but they did after the second atomic bomb.  BTW, those two bombs prevented more YEARS of war and saved the lives of countless Marines who were preparing to invade the Japanese mainland.


There was no surrender in Iraq or Afghanistan or Six-pack-istan.  Those wars ended because enough politicians felt they were losing public support and therefore might not get reelected.  So they said enough bombs were dropped and declared victory.  The enemy was not destroyed.  Those half steps created the next generation of terrorists.


Terrorist groups and the countries that give them safe haven should be scared to death of feeling the wrath of the USA.  Today, they certainly are not.     


I totally agree Tpop.


Fuck...when we did get out we left the new terrorists with shit tons of surplus US equipment and arms to boot!!!

Edited by r1crusher
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I believe another potential issue is the UN.  Since we have signed on with their charter it would be really tough to throw down the big hammer on certain countries without reprise from the UN.


IMO...the UN can go suck a small limp dick for all I care.  If we're being asked to be "Big Brother" to the world then we should act accordingly and start crackin' skull in several countries.


Agree......and the USA needs to tell the UN to suck a dick and we need to get out of that charter.

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You guys need to quit fighting WWII,the present situation has nothing in common with WWII.Your knee jerk response of going and killing a bunch of people and having a bunch of our troops killed will not solve the problem.I don't know how to totally solve the problem,but your scorched earth policy won't work when the enemy is not easily defined like WWII.Your just going to increase the body count on both sides and exacerbate the problem.

But have at her cowboy...you'll get the same results that the last guy got fighting a modern guerrilla war with WWII tactics .

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Yes the actual battlefield tatics are different.   Don't worry.  Your military has that part well under control.   However the overall strategy is the same.  You beat your enemy into submission until they can no longer fight.  


If a war is worth fighting, you can't stop until the job has been finished.

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You guys need to quit fighting WWII,the present situation has nothing in common with WWII.Your knee jerk response of going and killing a bunch of people and having a bunch of our troops killed will not solve the problem.I don't know how to totally solve the problem,but your scorched earth policy won't work when the enemy is not easily defined like WWII.Your just going to increase the body count on both sides and exacerbate the problem.

But have at her cowboy...you'll get the same results that the last guy got fighting a modern guerrilla war with WWII tactics .


So what is your brilliant solution, please do tell? And knee jerk reactions huh, are you honestly being serious?

Edited by Pokey
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