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I now favor stricter gun control laws.


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All this shit storm lately makes all law enforcement look bad.  My father in law is a decorated retired police officer who put his life on the line every day to keep the peace.  My opinion, he didn't get paid enough to do it.  All you hear about lately is the negative.  What about the lives that have been saved and all the trash that has been legitimately taken off the streets.  Someone has to do it.  At this rate no one will want to enroll into the academy.  I wish there was a better way to weed out all the bad eggs and start over fresh.

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Absolutely. However, your dad's shining service record doesn't get put in place of dead innocents. That's not how it goes. When the police stop murdering innnocent people WHEN THEY HAVE FUCKING TASERS AT THEIR DISPOSAL we can begin to remember the good ol' days of community policing. Until then, your father's Brothers In Blue need to hold each other to a standard that is higher than that of college fraternity fuckbags. 


You are allowing a few bad apples to ruin the bunch, yet that is all many focus on anymore. Were the majority of law enforcement asshats and corrupt, things would likely be even worse than they already are. Too many people are flat out pieces of shit, and even when police encounter one suspected of being a piece of shit, they are used to dealing with those who are pieces of shit. Yeah they get calloused and hate people, my Wife can relate after working ER for 15 years.

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Absolutely. However, your dad's shining service record doesn't get put in place of dead innocents. That's not how it goes. When the police stop murdering innnocent people WHEN THEY HAVE FUCKING TASERS AT THEIR DISPOSAL we can begin to remember the good ol' days of community policing. Until then, your father's Brothers In Blue need to hold each other to a standard that is higher than that of college fraternity fuckbags. 


IP, i really am surprised at this coming from you.  I may have missed something on the board, but I feel that you should have the understanding that a less lethal option is not viable in all instances, nor could it be a legitimate threat to a criminal versus a firearm.  TO BE CLEAR, I am not defending the actors portrayed in the video but have issue with the statement.  There could be actions leading up to a situation depicted (as an example) in the video that a taser would not even be a thought.  Suspect could have thrown away a firearm during the chase, could have a visible firearm or other weapon, violent action witnessed before a chase, prior knowledge of who the suspect is and how dangerous they can be, etc.  A taser is a great tool for our LEO's to have, but an officer must make a decision one way or another on the tool to use in the moment.  

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Let me start by saying I am not as anti-police as my OR Trolling persona might lead you to believe. I have three very close relatives that are very high up's in area PD's.



You are allowing a few bad apples to ruin the bunch....



No, the police are letting a few bad apples ruin the bunch. What is going on is nothing new, the only difference is it is getting taped now or people are so sick of it they scream bloody murder (pun intended) and get the press to report the actual facts of the cases.


There is a code in the police force, no snitching.  No different than the ghetto code. Two sides of the same coin.  They have always covered this shit up...lied for each other. Had they been open and honest the percentage of bad cops would be far lower, AND more importantly the public would trust them.  Yea, a ton of these cases in the press recently the cops were totally justified but they have been killing us and lying about it for so long we don't believe a damn word they say.


And then there are the politicians and the taxpayer. Taxpayers won't pay for enough cops to keep the peace, and politicians divert what money there is from training and more cops to stupid shit so the stupid voters will re-elect them.


I am an old conservative white guy, and if the cops have lost me, they have some serious work to do.

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I don't see why they shot him , But why was he wandering around the yard. When cops have guns drawn and pointed at you it's not playtime. If Another civilian called the cops on you for some reason I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for a while.


Maybe more to the story. It;s not like the media would rush out  hysteria before they know what happened. /sarcasm





Authorities were called to a domestic disturbance at a northwest San Antonio home. Police said they found a woman with a cut on her head and a baby who appeared to be injured when they arrived around 11:30 a.m.

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I've had absolutely zero use for cops in my life. Has anyone on here every had a cop provide any value in a law-enforcement capacity?

Municipalities ate flushing money down the drain with their bloated police rosters and fat pensions. We could cut half of these jobs overnight and I guarantee no one would notice.

Legalize lethal force by citizens to prevent property theft, fire half the police, and let the blacks continue killing each other.


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Another good one was the NYPD undercover who shot and killed a bystander over the weekend while trying to shoot a fleeing bad guy after an undercover sting went bad. This is what you get when you militarize the local police and foster an us against them culture. There are good cops out there but they are fewer and fewer.

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I've had absolutely zero use for cops in my life. Has anyone on here every had a cop provide any value in a law-enforcement capacity?


OK, I'm going to be kind here and say you should re-think that. I've never had to use my helmet to actually protect me because I've never wrecked so I shouldn't wear it? I've never had to use my seatbelt so they should just leave them out of cars to reduce costs? See where this is going?

Edited by ScubaCinci
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