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I now favor stricter gun control laws.


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OK, I'm going to be kind here and say you should re-think that. I've never had to use my helmet to actually protect me because I've never wrecked so I shouldn't wear it? I've never had to use my seatbelt so they should just leave them out of cars to reduce costs? See where this is going?

Your analogy does not work.

I will grant you this- like an auto or moto accident, there is a small probability you will be the victim of crime.

But helmets and seat belts will improve your outcome almost 100% of the time! Cops intervene in approximately 0% of the violent encounters that occur on a daily basis, and recover effective 0% of the property that is ever stolen.

They show up after the fact, take notes, and occasionally make an arrest when they are not too busy waging a war on traffic violations and adults who use drugs.

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I've said it a hundred times. I understand bad apples crop up from time to time. It's when they aren't held accountable that turns someone like me against them. If these cockbags are held accountable, and are placed under arrest and actually serve hard time for this stunt.. then you'll hear nothing but accolades for the police force from me for bringing justice where it was due. Until then, they can keep covering each other's asses and continue to turn allies into enemies. 

Exactly.  If they did their JOB and arrested their own when they committed crimes they could earn back some trust.  But they don't, they try to cover it up or turn a blind eye.  A police force without the respect, trust and gratitude of the constituency is nothing more than an occupying army.  In this case paid for by the people they are killing.  Sounds very 1775ish doesn't it. 

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Tell me where I'm wrong. With respect to real crime, police show up after the fact and take notes. How could it be otherwise?

The main thing cops are proactive about is confiscating my money when I'm safely traveling 15 mph over the limit on empty interstate...

A lot of police work is reactive rather than proactive. It's the nature of the job, like paramedics. Do you expect them to just know when to show up before someone is robbed or assaulted? The proactive work you'd most likely never see or hear about because they prevented something bad from happening so unless it was a big drug bust or something, it wouldn't get air time on news, etc. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't add value but it sounds like you have a very negative view of law enforcement and it would take a lot to change your views. So what happened to you that made you feel this way - get a couple of driving awards?


I have no connection to or special affinity for LE and there are certainly those in that community that abuse their position but to categorize them all as glorified admins who solely prey on the public for revenue is ignorant.

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Can't we assume their victims aren't exactly in the tax paying brackets. More like we're paying both of them to fight it out.

Everyone pays taxes.  Even if you are the most criminal of criminal you get caught by the tax man at some step. 

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LOL...good one. There are a LOT of non-criminals that don't pay taxes and most are living on the government's (and our) dime.

They buy things, which have taxes on them.  If they have a vehicle, and register it they pay taxes.  There are taxes that are not solely income based. 

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They buy things, which have taxes on them.  If they have a vehicle, and register it they pay taxes.  There are taxes that are not solely income based. 

True, but in comparison of what most of us pay, it's nothing. It's not like these people are buying high-end big tax items. I've never received food stamps or gov't assistance so maybe I'm wrong here but I would think that no tax is paid when using food stamps and getting free Obama phones.

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True, but in comparison of what most of us pay, it's nothing. It's not like these people are buying high-end big tax items. I've never received food stamps or gov't assistance so maybe I'm wrong here but I would think that no tax is paid when using food stamps and getting free Obama phones.

No they probably are not because they don't actually have that much money.  I've never been one to support the attack on defenseless people.  Do a few make a bad name for the millions that need assistance?  Probably, but that pales in comparison to what I would say are the actual budget problems of this country.  Back to the argument in a way, it isn't the job of the people that don't abuse the system to report the ones that do if they even know who they are.  It however IS the job of an officer of the law to uphold the law and put away those that transgress it.  Which they are not doing, abundantly made clear by all the stories of the prior few years. 

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A lot of police work is reactive rather than proactive. It's the nature of the job, like paramedics. Do you expect them to just know when to show up before someone is robbed or assaulted? The proactive work you'd most likely never see or hear about because they prevented something bad from happening so unless it was a big drug bust or something, it wouldn't get air time on news, etc. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't add value but it sounds like you have a very negative view of law enforcement and it would take a lot to change your views. So what happened to you that made you feel this way - get a couple of driving awards?


I have no connection to or special affinity for LE and there are certainly those in that community that abuse their position but to categorize them all as glorified admins who solely prey on the public for revenue is ignorant.


Well said......and I have a feeling were Police to all go on strike and not go to work for a good while, things would go to hell very quickly. Maybe something like that is what it would take for some to realize that most of law enforcement are good folks? Yeah the blue line exists......but who/what is worse, that or how out of control and corrupt our politicians are in this country?

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^This!  The bottom line is without law enforcement the laws don't exist.  Its the reality of being arrested, prosecuted and spending the rest of your life in prison that keeps most civilized.  Yes there are the few that think they can break laws and never get caught, but again, that is why we have law enforcement, to bring those to justice.  Do I agree with how the whole process works, NO, I think there is much room for improvement.  It starts with better training and strong leadership not swayed by politics. I think most will agree that having law enforcement is better than every man for themselves chaos that would ensue without them.

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Yeah the blue line exists......but who/what is worse, that or how out of control and corrupt our politicians are in this country?


What's worse, a red hot poker up the ass or a splintered 2x4. Pick one. Or do you think neither is acceptable? I think neither of your examples are acceptable, and I reject any suggestion that we should ignore one just because the other is worse.



The bottom line is without law enforcement the laws don't exist.



You are absolutely correct. But what we expect, no demand, is that the laws are enforced equally and fairly for everyone.  Had I shot that guy in the video with his hands up and claimed self defense I would be going to the Federal Pound me in the Ass Prison for a long time. And rightfully so, he was no where near the officers and was not an immediate threat.


And another less violent example.  Cop lies and falsifies a police report to cover for another cop and gets three days off.



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 It however IS the job of an officer of the law to uphold the law and put away those that transgress it.  Which they are not doing, abundantly made clear by all the stories of the prior few years. 

I think they protect their own a lot which is a problem, it may not happen as much as we think because the cases that surface are highly publicized and skews perception. Certainly there are a lot of examples in other professions where it happens including politics and medicine. My dad was killed (and  subsequently resuscitated) because he was given the wrong medicine in the hospital. My mom and sister were in the room at the time and the nurse told them what they were administering as she was doing it. After the fact, the doctor/nurse/hospital claimed it never happened and no records of it could be found of course.

Spend some time in the corporate world and find out the good ol' boys club is alive and well...they cover their asses all the time.

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I agree a police force is necessary, but if the State Highway Patrol reduced their workforce by 90% it wouldn't cause any noticeable problems.


Drivers would arrive at their destinations a few minutes earlier and state would have less pennies in their coffer to misappropriate.

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