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I now favor stricter gun control laws.


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As promised, I'm following up on the class results...post-exam.  Everybody passed.  As for range proficiency, all but two were fairly accurate with most of the shots--prolly 90-95%--in the COM at 5 yds and a couple folks (two young guys with youth, quick reflexes and good eyesight on their side) were within a 1-3" diameter circle.  So accuracy isn't a problem, at least in a low-stress controlled environment.  The initial intent of my post certainly wasn't to initiate an escalating war-of-words that cover such diverse topics as 2nd Amendment Rights, religion, abortion, voter fraud or any other hot button issues.


I'll wait until the winter weather hits for that.... :D

Edited by Bubba
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Hit up kawikid on here, tell him how gay he is and then sign up for one of their classes for additional training. You won't be disappointed.


blue:  Where does he teach?  (I'm in far corner of SW OH)  Does he cover tactical and situational training?

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blue:  Where does he teach?  (I'm in far corner of SW OH)  Does he cover tactical and situational training?


He is out of coshocton but I believe if there are enough people and you have a place that they can shoot they might make arrangements. Don't hold me to that but I thought I heard them say that.


Yes they do.

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Speaking of CCW info, I looked on the OH AG's website for current info on reciprocity states and when you click on the states listed, it takes me to a dead link.  Anyone have a current resource?


Read the fine print on Texas and Wisconson however you are good that since you are just getting it.




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Also in Illinois you can carry in/on your vehicle if you have your states CHL. But if you get off or out you have to store it. Always wondered what would be the procedure on a bike if you got pulled over for speeding. Guess you stay on the bike, but then I can't get to my registration........

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Also in Illinois you can carry in/on your vehicle if you have your states CHL. But if you get off or out you have to store it. Always wondered what would be the procedure on a bike if you got pulled over for speeding. Guess you stay on the bike, but then I can't get to my registration........

I've never produced registration at a traffic stop. They always ask though.

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Earlier you lectured me about the law regarding abortions/fetus's and the law.  Let me know how we should proceed on this discussion of the constitution, are we going with a literal translation as you did in the quote above, or are we going with an intent interpretation as decided by the Supreme Court?


Choose carefully.

Sure we can go with the Supreme courts decisions.   In United States v. Miller (1939), the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government and the states could limit any weapon types not having a “reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia”.[


Also when one looks at the origins of this amendment we see the real intent.  "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; a well armed and well regulated militia being the best security of a free country but no person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms shall be compelled to render military service in person.["


So what well regulated militia are all these gun owners in? 

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As you know, the Court changes it's position and has done so over the last few decades on this issue and many others. Do you not agree that the Court can do that...or that once it rules on something it can't ever be changed? For example In 1856 the Court ruled the Bill of Rights does not apply to African Americans. Would kind of suck if that had the force of law forever.

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Update:  I'm officially licensed.  I made my appt at the HCSO for 9:40 Monday (yesterday) to submit the application and get fingerprinted, and they called me back at 8:30 AM today--less than 24 hours later--to say I was approved and could pick up my permit.  Don't know how other counties in OH are but Hamilton Cty is on it.

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