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mid-0 april 26/27


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aight, who's all gonna be there this weekend. it's a 2-8pm format both days with karts in the mornings. i'll be there sampling some of the other guys bikes, since mine still isnt' fixed...:mad:

Im in on Sunday... Im going to try and pit somewhere close to Lizard whether he likes it or not. ( I need power )

Im expecting some good pointers from the 2 of you.. Something besides. (Grow some balls) :D

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i will be there i just need some help deciding what class to run in.

Run what you think you will be comfortable in.. If you dont feel ready for intermediate then there is no reason to run it and and be worried the entire time. We will all be there to have fun so pick the level where you feel you will have the most fun. If you are running really good in group 1 of novice, you may be able to talk them into letting you into intermediate if your bike is setup for it.

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yesterday was fun, weather was great. i got to take out a brand new 08 zx6r... real nice bike! see ya'll up there today

i'm the weirdo with bright red puma boots....lol

You act like its just the boots that make you weird...:D

You manage to slay the dragon last night. sex.gif

hahahaha ;)

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yesterday was fun, weather was great. i got to take out a brand new 08 zx6r... real nice bike! see ya'll up there today

i'm the weirdo with bright red puma boots....lol

What are you talking abouthose Pima boots are super pimp, where did you get them? I am thinking about getting a pair but I dont know if I am going to opt. for the red....

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Was a good day for sure. Rode in intermediate and had to deal with a lot of traffic issues. Did have a fun scrapping with a ducati (not sure why he was in I, he had an A sticker and race tires....)

Hitting in the 49s when I could get some clearish track on street. Is that any good? I've never had a lap timer before.

Here is one of the videos I got http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8737001559137085681&hl=en

Got the finger wave from a control rider passing people on the main straight, couldn't fit between all of them so I carried more speed in to get past them all and ran wide.

Where there any photographers out there?

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Was a good day for sure. Rode in intermediate and had to deal with a lot of traffic issues. Did have a fun scrapping with a ducati (not sure why he was in I, he had an A sticker and race tires....)

Hitting in the 49s when I could get some clearish track on street. Is that any good? I've never had a lap timer before.

Here is one of the videos I got http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8737001559137085681&hl=en

Got the finger wave from a control rider passing people on the main straight, couldn't fit between all of them so I carried more speed in to get past them all and ran wide.

Where there any photographers out there?

The Duc you are referring to was either sent down to "I" from "A" or was sharing the bike with a buddy. I believe he was moved down as his pace wasn't quite fast enough.

One thing to consider as an "I" rider that many "A" riders still do is to not get so spread out. At 14:11 in the video, it is a classic example of what not to do. There were 5 of you guys and you all were on different lines...

One, too hard to pass - especially in "I" with a 6' rule. Two, most of the lines shown were off the line as we say and not the most efficient nor fastest way around.

What typically happens is that "I" riders are used to that and when they get to "A", they get stuffed or get the door slammed and get upset about it. Hopefully, we are going to do a few classroom sessions with the "A" group and address these things...

All in all, you looked like you were having fun out there!

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