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Finally, a world leader that knows how to kill terrorists.


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While not defending either of those presidents.  It is far easier to do whatever you want when you are the lifetime president of Russia.  Maybe if more people had been on board:


I had one.  Now you can too!



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First, don't ever trust a Russian. Second, are you sure those aren't civilians they're killing? Because... read the first rule. 

It is the Middle East.  They are both civilians and soldiers at the same time.  If you are fighting them they are soldiers, if you kill them they are civilians. 

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Short version, we were training anti Assad fighters but Putin blew them all up.




They would have turned on us anyway.  It is a complete mistake to supply arms and training to anyone in that region.  Inevitably it gets used against us in the future.  See Iraq, Afghan, Syria etc.  We just need to STF out of that region's politics. 

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Didn't Rissia tell us to get out of Syria? Screw them if true. Its nothing to do with Teerorists. This is about control for future monetary gains as usual.we're in a de facto war with Russia. We both want Assad out. Isis just happens to be the red herring. We're bombing each other's allies

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Didn't Rissia tell us to get out of Syria? Screw them if true. Its nothing to do with Teerorists. This is about control for future monetary gains as usual.we're in a de facto war with Russia. We both want Assad out. Isis just happens to be the red herring. We're bombing each other's allies

I don't believe that Russia wants Assad out.  Straight cold war stuff all over again.  Although we haven't really tried to get Assad out.  We don't have the public stomach for it.  And I agree, we already have created breeding grounds in Iraq and Afg.  No need to do it again. 

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All Putin cares about is that Russia continues to have the naval base in Tartus, Syria. It's all that Russia has, just about anywhere in the world, and certainly all they have in the Mediterranean. Simple fact is that the Rebels et al. got too close to Tartus and Assad's troops got too weak. I also noticed the Russian troops secured the nearest Syrian arms depot. No sense having that get knocked off and used against them.


Early reports insist that rebel TOW missiles are taking out Russian tanks. They are asking for MANPAD, shoulder launched anti-aircraft missiles. This could turn into a nasty little war.

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I dunno. I thought Russia gives s damn because of this. And U.S. cares because of this while ISIS is an annoyance.

"The discovery in 2009 of a new gas field near Israel, Lebanon, Cyprus, and Syria opened new possibilities to bypass the Saudi Barrier and to secure a new source of income. Pipelines are in place already in Turkey to receive the gas. Only Al-Assad is in the way. Qatar along with the Turks would like to remove Al-Assad and install the Syrian chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is the best organized political movement in the chaotic society and can block Saudi Arabia's efforts to install a more fanatical Wahhabi based regime. Once the Brotherhood is in power, the Emir's broad connections with Brotherhood groups throughout the region should make it easy for him to find a friendly ear and an open hand in Damascus

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Wars do get waged over resources. WW1, WW2, Iraq-Iran, and Iraq-Kuwait-Saudi Arabia, that I can think of off hand. So entirely possible. WW1 was steam ship era, so that was over the coal fields between Germany and France. All the rest were for petroleum resources. At least in the beginning when the aggressor thought it would be easy.


In the end it is cheaper to buy, trade or borrow resources, unless the country is trying to build an Empire.

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It's hard to determine anything factual with all the BS reporting. I watched a CNN report that said, in part, Putin wants to help Assad because Putin in general hates it when leaders are challenged. Give me a break.

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