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Anyone ever been pepper sprayed?


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Taser was voluntary, and I did not chose to do it. Would be my luck, I'd get tased then go home and my heart would quit.

However, knowing the OC now, if they said it was OC spray or 5 times getting tased, taser would win every time.

Edited by blue72beetle
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I was Maced back in the late 80's, when it was MACE.  X-mas time in a shopping mall parking lot in Tucson, AZ.  Saw a lady with her arms full of bags going to her car and she dropped something, so being a nice person, I picked it up and called out to her, "Ma'am" as I was trying to catch up to her...she spun and had the mace spraying across my face before she realized it was a 90 lb white boy....


That was just as bad(due to immediately hitting the face and eyes) as being the CS gas chamber in Basic.  Was the last guy in line to exit the room after removing masks, so I got the full effect.


Also been tazed with a civilian stunner.  My Brother-in-law managed a strip club in New Castle, and after fixing their computer I was hanging out with him and the strippers....and he had the stun gun and said "Hey, does this hurt?" and zapped me!  Knocked me off the chair....just glad I didn't shit or piss myself.

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Not oc but back in the late 90's, early 00's there was an annual fall party by Akron u called allyn fest after the name of the street. Keg parties galore, hundreds of people in the streets. Inevitably people would pile furniture and whatever else they could find in the middle of the road and set it on fire. That's when the riot squad would start launching cs grenades into the crowd. Theyd basically fog a block at a time until everyone fucked off. Maybe not as bad as the chamber in basic but it still sucked ass.

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We skipped the gas chamber in basic, as it was too cold that day.


I DID have an experience in high school, though.


So, in the cafeteria, right when the bell rang to end the lunch period, a huge mass of hundreds of people all get up to move towards the doors.  I could see everyone in front of me coughing as they reached a certain spot.  I was pretty much stuck in the herd, so I couldn't stop or evade that spot, plus I didn't really realize what was going on.  Sure enough, soon as I reached that spot, I started coughing involuntarily, too, throat tightened up like I was being choked, eyes started watering, etc.


It's the easiest, pussiest experience ever with mace, and it was enough for me to know I don't wanna do anything harder :)

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We skipped the gas chamber in basic, as it was too cold that day.


I DID have an experience in high school, though.


So, in the cafeteria, right when the bell rang to end the lunch period, a huge mass of hundreds of people all get up to move towards the doors.  I could see everyone in front of me coughing as they reached a certain spot.  I was pretty much stuck in the herd, so I couldn't stop or evade that spot, plus I didn't really realize what was going on.  Sure enough, soon as I reached that spot, I started coughing involuntarily, too, throat tightened up like I was being choked, eyes started watering, etc.


It's the easiest, pussiest experience ever with mace, and it was enough for me to know I don't wanna do anything harder :)


What branch was that? My son is U.S. Army infantryman and has been in the chamber once in basic and another time at Fort Polk, seems strange the chamber would be skipped due to being too cold or too hot.

Edited by Pokey
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Pepper sprayed myself once. Found a perfume sprayer thing tucked away above refrigerator. Thinking the wife had bought some expensive ass perfume and was hiding it from me. In my blind rage and thinking this shit had better smell good I sprayed it into the air then breathed in deep. I thought my chest was going to explode, nose burning and running like someone turned on a snot faucet. Eyes started watering then rubbing mace back into my eyes. All while thinking who would wear this shit.

Finally it dawned on me that I had just maced myself.

Some how I managed not to wake anyone up in my agony. So I asked my wife the next day why there was mace in the cupboard. Turns out it was for the daughter to use. She got a big kick out of my ordeal.

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What branch was that? My son is U.S. Army infantryman and has been in the chamber once in basic and another time at Fort Polk, seems strange the chamber would be skipped due to being too cold or too hot.


US Navy.  Great Lakes, IL for basic training, Oct - Dec of 1997 :)

Good Gawd I'm old :(

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Pepper sprayed myself once. Found a perfume sprayer thing tucked away above refrigerator. Thinking the wife had bought some expensive ass perfume and was hiding it from me. In my blind rage and thinking this shit had better smell good I sprayed it into the air then breathed in deep. I thought my chest was going to explode, nose burning and running like someone turned on a snot faucet. Eyes started watering then rubbing mace back into my eyes. All while thinking who would wear this shit.

Finally it dawned on me that I had just maced myself.

Some how I managed not to wake anyone up in my agony. So I asked my wife the next day why there was mace in the cupboard. Turns out it was for the daughter to use. She got a big kick out of my ordeal.

Oh, the hilarity. :lol: Sounds like something I would do.

Never been tazed or maced but I did cut up some habaneros and thoroughly washed up before taking a piss. Didn't help. Uhm, ouch.

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Oh, the hilarity. :lol: Sounds like something I would do.

Never been tazed or maced but I did cut up some habaneros and thoroughly washed up before taking a piss. Didn't help. Uhm, ouch.

and this is why you are not allowed in the kitchen.. same for Anden...

now, I also freeze the peppers prior to cutting, no juices to worry about..

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Had to go through the gas chamber 3 different time while in the military

My son who is a LEO had to get both pepper sprayed and tasered during training so he could carry both while on duty He said he would get tasered any day over being pepper sprayed again.

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