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Concealed carry in state and national forests


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I know, none of us are lawyers, lawmakers or cops, but I figure the collective here is about as informed, so...

As far as I can tell, if you're legally permitted to carry in the encompassing state, you're legit in the state and national forests, with the usual exception of buildings/facilities unless they are separate comfort pavilions.  This appears to be true with Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia - the states I ride through the most.  In contrast, Maryland's Green Ridge State Forest would NOT be legit because it is doubtful any of us has a recognized permit in MD.

Am I interpreting this correctly?

Thanks in advance!

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Yes you are.

Federal law, thanks Obama, says federal parks have to follow State law. So yes, you are good to go in a federal park if you are good in that state.


State parks follow state law.  And some states that allow ccw do not allow in state parks, but not very many. Most changed that law after Obama signed the federal law.

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But be aware. Virginia just went batshit insane. On March 1 no out of state license will be honored. We will no longer be allowed in VA

Looks like it will get fixed soon though.

Edited by Tonik
Casper sucks
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Lol, so I googled the current standing in VA. Short version, the AG canceled all reciprocity. So the legislature passed laws GREATLY expanding reciprocity and some other gun rights and the Dem govenor is going to sign it.

Keep track of it, but should be fixed up soon.



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Awesome links and info, thank you!  Yea, I had JUST come back from my sister's house in VA over the holidays when the AG announced he was cancelling reciprocity - reciprocity I had used during the entire trip.  It majorly pissed off a huge group of politically influential residents of VA who work in and around DC, and it took less than two months to play out in (potentially) the reverse.

As a tangent, not to hijack my own thread, I suppose that also means that any of the Oregon ranchers who carried weapons into the facility may also be subject to firearm possession charges since federal law prohibits it.  If the feds have pictures and choose to prosecute, all those guys will face some serious time and/or fines in addition to their primary charges.

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