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I highly doubt they do. If there's a backdoor, hackers would've already discovered and exploited it. While many cry foul that Apple is refusing to do this, the same would bitch if they did have a back door already built in. I don't think they should build one.

I was thinking...if the terrorist guy had a newer iPhone with the fingerprint detection and they have his body...

They at least have his prints and it has already been shown that the fingerprint sensor can be defeated by using fingerprints in a creative way.

Edited by ScubaCinci
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FYI my kid was just on CNN talking about this.

And Joe is right, if there is any backdoor my kid or people like him will find it in a heartbeat.  As will all the governments all over the world.  Think of it this way, what if China was forcing a Chinese company to put a back door in all the phones we get from there.

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Generally I think this man is a good example of "Drugs bad m'kay" but Everything he says is spot on. I doubt his teams ability to get into that phone but I would love to see him try.




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So this part kills me....

"So here is my offer to the FBI. I will, free of charge, decrypt the information on the San Bernardino phone, with my team. We will primarily use social engineering, and it will take us three weeks."

Who the fuck is he going to phish?  The owners of the phone are f'ing dead. And his experts attend Defcon. Jesus, Defcon is full of super smart peeps, but attending and hanging out with them does not make you smart.


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So right in the middle of the interview the hist says we just got a quote from Trump saying Apple is wrong and they are unpatriotic.

Dave blurted.out 'Donald Trump doesn't know what the hell he is talking about.'

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70 year olds aren't the hottest IT strategists. That's why prez build cabinets to fill in for their areas of low expertise 


1st, how do you even build a backdoor after the fact?

They could easily limit which phones the update goes to as updates are never zapped all at once.

It shouldn't put other phones as risk if it's only released to this phone. 

If apple's defense is "it puts others at risk" not, "it's too late in this case" that means the govt  or hackers could build the backdoors themselves if they decide they want in a certain phone. 


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Ok, So I spent the morning with my kid and we talked about this a lot.  I now know more about what is going on.

The most important point: this phone is one of the old style Iphone's. It does not have the new style built in protections.  I could pop this phone, the FBI could pop this phone, the NSA could pop this phone. And yes, even John Mcafee could pop this phone.  The only IT type person that couldn't pop this phone that I know is @Casper.

So why is the FBI even bothering Apple about this is the question.

I am going to have to go with they want to set a legal precedent, to put Apple in a position to pop the newer style phones for them. And that is currently not doable, it will require Apple to send an update to all phones now, so they can be prepared to do so in the future. To create a backdoor for future use. And yes, the bad guys will find that backdoor. They always do. Hell the good guys will find it and post it on the interwebs.

I know that is pretty tinfoil hat, but I have no other explanation. I am open to ideas.

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1 hour ago, Tonik said:

So why is the FBI even bothering Apple about this is the question.

I am going to have to go with they want to set a legal precedent, to put Apple in a position to pop the newer style phones for them.

I agree with Tonik.

Now, I'm going to pour myself 3 fingers of Maker's Mark.

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