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This guy has a wacked view of woman.


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I couldn't get through it all...idiotic and probably made by a one of the many religious groups that seek to keep women subservient and docile. I guess we may see soon enough if Monica Lewinski's boyfriend's wife gets elected.

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Don't be so quick to conclude that - I bet he's been on dates and they didn't go the way he wanted or expected.  Perhaps a gold digger got hold of him and left a big scar.  I've been there, done that myself.

This looks like a misogynistic offshoot of "MGTOW" or "Men Going Their Own Way," and it's something I've been doing a lot of reading about.  The video goes to an extreme conclusion and gets it wrong, but many of the facts cited are indeed true and have defensible data behind them.  Now, MGTOW in of itself is not supposed to be against women, just against women who are anti-men.  In fact, feminism was once about egalitarianism, but morphed into an ideology wherein every woman is a strong-yet-delicate, victor-yet-victim, a superior alternative to "our rapey, rapey culture," murderous, mansplaining, manspreading, directionless goofball men and that society would be so much better off if women were in control of the home, law, culture, community and all governmental levels.  In other words, today's third-wave feminism has morphed into misandry, full stop.

In fact, many men are "giving up" when they view the potential rewards and not worth the risks.  The general idea with Men Going Their Own Way is an observation that a dramatically increasing number of young men are electing NOT to pair up with women, get married, have children, get divorced and lose half their stuff, lose access to their children while being on the hook for child support, often paying alimony and all the legal, social, emotional and professional costs that go with it because the legal and social backdrop overwhelmingly favors a woman's victory.  There are multiple books on the subject including Helen Smith PhD's Men on Strike and Tomassi's The Rational Male.  If you Google MGTOW, you'll see a bunch of web channels dedicated to the subject, and I'd recommend Dianna Davidson (aka FeminismLOL) as one of the better ones.  "ComputingForever" is another YouTube channel done by a highly intelligent and much more rational guy than whoever did the video above.

I started to get interested in the subject after going through a complicated divorce where I had to pull all the stops out to retain a relationship with my daughter, and then later going to court to protect her from her mom and step-dad's authoritarian and vindictive home.  That was preceded and followed by several relationships where I was manipulated for money and material goods.  You know, typical modern dating stuff that's unfortunately the norm more than the exception.  I wanted to understand why I really just didn't care for the whole charade any longer and MGTOW put some level of shape to it.

IMHO Black Pigeon has gone way too far in his classification of all women as destructive.  I personally don't hate women at all - I still love many of my ex-GFs (and even to a very, very small degree my daughter's mom) and look forward to a day if/when I meet someone who's authentically up for an equal relationship and not one where either of us has to conclude dominance over the other or be responsible for the other's happiness and financial well-being.  But unlike those on-board with the mating/dating imperative, I'm more than happy to go my own way and don't give a shite if someone smoking hot or loud-mouthed disapproves of my unwillingness to submit to a woman as an inferior gender.  If we're not equal, I'm not in.

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12 minutes ago, AreYouSerious? said:

Someone's pissed they're a Beta

It's not just Betas subject to misandry in the courts, or to a prevailing characterization of all men as latent rapists, murderers and ATM machines.  A lot of Alphas and Betas are becoming Sigmas and I see more Sigmas around motorcycles than most other hobbies.  In fact, a lot of Alphas take it especially hard once they mature past the trophy wife phase, into wanting more meaningful relationships and deeper value out of their lives.  Not all Alphas are unidimensionally satisfied with a relationship where they work long hours, see their children a little and are allowed to own a distant portion of the home they pay for, and early health issues and death for the privilege (assuming they aren't first divorced when said trophy gets bored with his money and decides to take the kids, half their net worth and possibly alimony elsewhere).

Again to be clear, many marriages are fantastic and are exactly what both partners need out of each other to lay a foundation for a valuable, enriched life.  And man, I hope you never have to go through what my daughter and I did.  It shouldn't be a condemnation of women as a gender any more than rapacious men are reason to hate all men, but at the same time it's not a bad thing at all to be eyes-open to the risks men face when dating, marrying and having children, and how being clear about expectations is better than blindly hoping for the best outcome.

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1 hour ago, motocat12 said:

I watched a bit and figure he just left "liberal" out of the title.

I would notion that anti femanisam is more conservative than anything, to be more specific evangelical conservative.

There is no doubt that femanisam has had a destructive role in the family unit.

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58 minutes ago, Tonik said:

His current hobby of trolling the internet with controversial videos seems just fine. I would guesstimate his income from that at 75k a year.

which is why i'm not clicking that video

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