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Just at thought


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We have a President who is doing everything in his power to destroy America from the inside out.The problem is he has already turned the people against each other through race and now is pushing gender change and homosexuality on the American Christians and those of us that believe it is wrong! The Muslins have said that they would destroy us from the inside and through Obama it is being done ! He is not American ,he wants all the illegal aliens over here so ,through them they can control the voting majority. All these changes are designed to keep us in chaos while giving our enemies the opportunity the defeat and control us! I love this once great country,but it is not the country I was raised in.Our forefathers would be looking for a new country if they could see America today!

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The media balances out the Govt wanting you to believe that nothing is bad.

I read an opinion that the pre-trans restroom laws' objective was to take away majority rule.


All your(data)base are belong to us.


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So by the latest surveys say 20% of the Americans population say they are gay or bisexual.  the truth is I could care less If you are gay or not.  Not my idea of having fun but who cares. The point is why rub it in everyone’s face and push it on everyone else most people could care less. Here is another point most gays think Obama and Hillary are their friend but the truth is what will start to happen to the gay community when all of the Muslims Obama and Hillary let in start to get a good foot hold in this country? I think you will see a lot more of what happened in Orlando or worse.  So just another thought  2 out of every 10 people are gay or bisexual that might explain why so many threads on this forum turn in to and anal discussion.

Edited by HeavyDuty
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Motocat's link is a good case in point. The gays are just f'ing with that dating site. Whether it allows gays or not doesn't impact a gays freedom in the least. The Christian Singles are just as entitled to like their lives as they see fit as the gays are.

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He's right you know.


Think about this for a second: religion is primarily a result of geography. You were born in America to im assuming Christian parents. If you were born in India, you would be Hindu. Or maybe Buddhist. If you were born in Iran you'd probably be Muslim. So if that's what primarily determines your religion, how can you be so sure that yours is right? 


Religion is just another means to divide and control. In the end you rot in a box and that's it. Thanks for playing. 

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Agreed. They should spend their lives closeted, hiding their lifestyle for fear it may offend someone who bases their moral code on a book written by slave owners from the bronze age who treated offspring and women like cattle and were constantly at war and didn't know where the sun went at night. 


Makes perfect sense. 

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I totally agree religion is only a means of controlling the masses. The Bible and Koran were both written by men so how can either one be trusted. The only real difference between the two religions is you can question the Bible and be fine but if you question the Koran you die. This was a good point there are hundreds of religions in the world so you better hope you guests right

No one said gays should stay in the closet What I’m talking about is stupid law suits  like suing a small bakery because they do not want to make you a cake Why not say fluke you and just take your money someplace else this kind of actions does more harm then it helps. Let’s use some common sense  instead of all this politically correct crap.

Edited by HeavyDuty
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You seem to have forgotten the dark ages. Called so because the church basically killed or silenced most of the artists and scientists and anyone that did not obey the church or question the Bible. Chronologically speaking, Islam right now is where Christianity was during the dark ages so, same thing really. 

As far as lawsuits, I believe businesses should be free to refuse service to anyone. That's free market capitalism. If you're pig headed enough to refuse service to someone based on where they put their dick at night, good for you, you just lost money. 


What you seem to have forgotten is your statement that the govt is "pushing gender change and homosexuality onto the American Christians" which it is not. If that were so, there would be gays trying to convert you....instead of the other way around. 

Giving the lgbt community equal footing does not equate to pushing their agenda on Christians. You are still free to be straight and believe in fairy tales. I'm very sorry you're being forced to acknowledge that a segment of the population exists.

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33 minutes ago, Isaac's Papa said:

When a little bit of privilege gets taken away, that isn't persecution. When another segment of the populace gets equal footing, that isn't persecution. 

EQUAL would be fine.  Certain groups don't stop with EQUAL, and we have pride days, certain ethnic months, etc...

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Edit/addion to above:

EQUAL would be fine.  Certain groups don't stop with EQUAL, and we have pride days, certain ethnic months, etc. that the group wants ALL to recognize, whether we're part of, or believe in, or not!  Looking at it, us Christians aren't innocent of this either!

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5 minutes ago, jporter12 said:

Edit/addion to above:

EQUAL would be fine.  Certain groups don't stop with EQUAL, and we have pride days, certain ethnic months, etc. that the group wants ALL to recognize, whether we're part of, or believe in, or not!  Looking at it, us Christians aren't innocent of this either!

And then they start to fight each other.  Case in point over the weekend there was a giant gay pride parade in NY.  The gays let Black Lives Matter march with them.  Parade started and BLM staged a protest and halted the parade until their demands were met.  Their demands were more BLM groups, more representation of black gay folks, oh and removal of the police that were marching in the gay parade in support of the gays.

The gays gave in to all the demands, which I find rather gay.

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3 hours ago, CrazySkullCrusher said:

Agreed. They should spend their lives closeted, hiding their lifestyle for fear it may offend someone who bases their moral code on a book written by slave owners from the bronze age who treated offspring and women like cattle and were constantly at war and didn't know where the sun went at night. 


Makes perfect sense. 

Just laughed out loud in a quite office! We must drink a beer together. Unless you don't ride or drink.

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2 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

I've never celebrated a gay pride day. Never been to a parade. Never marched in a BLM rally. Not sure what you're talking about, really. I know that I don't openly discuss my lack of belief in a higher power with my coworkers, for fear of losing my job. Ever have to worry about that? Losing your job because you're a Christian? Ever been told by the POTUS that you can't be a patriot because you don't believe in ghosts and goblins? Atheists have no moral compass, remember? That's why the majority of child molestors are believers. They have a stronger moral compass than I do. 

Also, you bible thumpers have a majority rule in Washington. Something the Founders warned us about. We didn't listen and I'm still converting decimals to fractions because of it.  

Where did I say that you celebrated either?  You keep it up and I'm going to vote down pot legalization! :lol:

Being able to vote our beliefs is what this country is all about.  And yes, I have had worries at work due to my Christian beliefs.  Maybe not of getting fired (not directly anyway) but of fairness, ridicule, etc.

Oh, and keep the metric system out of this. 

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3 minutes ago, Idiot said:


plus;  I blame engineers for just about everything, including the metric system, global warming and green life savers

Pfft, bite your neck! I see why they rigged a competition to Ban you. Ha

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1 hour ago, Isaac's Papa said:

You should be made fun of for your religious beliefs. You shouldn't be told you can't marry outside those beliefs. 

Also, the metric system is the superior system. But thats cool...lets just keep using the dumber system. It's always gotten us through before. And the wheels on the bus go round and round...

You will get my Standard measurement system from me when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.

As far as your fear of losing your job, the only hate I see about religion comes from the atheists who feel the need to ridicule people that believe, despite the fact they are hurting no one. Worst most Christians would try and do to you is 'save' you.

I find it interesting that champions of tolerance can become so intolerant when faced with baby Jesus.

Now the bat shit insane Muslims are a seperate case of course.

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1 hour ago, Isaac's Papa said:

No. Americans not knowing how to convert Imperial to metric to Imperial made us miss Mars.  Don't blame the metric system. Blame the engineers. 


It was all ready Imperial.....so they converted it to metric....so they could convert it back to where they started?

That strikes me as somewhat retarded.

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Hate to burst your bubble but the big 3 auto manufacturers and most of aerospace has converted to metric already. 


All religion is batshit and ballocks. Christianity isn't any crazier than Scientology when you quit believing in magic and superstition . 

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