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Military coup / martial law in Turkey


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I think it's a ploy by Democrats to divert media attention from Hillary and the shit storm she should be facing right now. :jk:

BTW, the University of North Texas made a coffee mug for her...


I'm sure the Oklahoma College for Kids has one for 'ol Trumpy too

Edited by ScubaCinci
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Hm... this is bad. A coup when the leader is conveniently on vacation? He had someone gather up his secular enemies within the military and got them to attempt a coup so he could get rid of them legally. Now who's going to be there to say no when he decides to go full sharia?

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Yea, I was kind of surprised when everyone cheered the failure of the coup attempt. Historically the Turkish military has been the stabilizer when the government went too far. They would toss the asshat, then return control pretty quickly. They have done this four or five times in the not too distant past.

Just goes to show how little we, our politicians and our media really understand about that part of the world.

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2 minutes ago, Idiot said:

On the other hand...  Erdogan - as much as we may not like him - is supported by a very strong majority of voters in Turkey...  almost 50% in an election turnout % that we can only dream about here in the USA.





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For me it emotional too.  He is turning it into an Islamic Fundamentalist State. He has been converting the secular schools to Fundamentalist for years, he is consolidating power to himself. He is transforming the country. Yea, the Fundies came out in droves to support him during the coup.  I am confident that there is no shortage of them in that country.

And when he is done, it will be a breading ground for terrorists that will want to kill us. Democratically elected or not, that is very bad for us.

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