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My first experience with an asshole! (close call)


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What really pissed me off about it was I was wearing a REALLY REALLY REALLY BRIGHT NEON windbreaker I just bought last night for just this reason... so people see me!

You're right. I have no idea who you are and I'm pretty sure I saw you at The Pony today in all of your neon glory.

I keep my gun on my gunrack on the back of my gsxr, mounted right next to the oil slick squirters and the smokescreen. I got the idea from watching Mission Impossible.

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I would not follow the person,but when they leave their car and go into a store i will write watch out for bikes on their door with my key. tends to make them remember every time they get into their car lol. Or stick some gum under their door handle if your not willing to vandalize.

Kinda the same idea without the permanent damage, I thought about buying a bunch of those 25cent "watch out for bikes" bumper stickers from IronPony and sticking a about a half dozen or so on the next assholes car.

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I have no idea who you are and I'm pretty sure I saw you at The Pony today in all of your neon glory.

Yes that was me :D Pretty bright jacket ain't it! I got it at a bicycle shop for $35 Pretty hard to believe that moron didn't notice me in that thing ain't it?

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Yes that was me :D Pretty bright jacket ain't it! I got it at a bicycle shop for $35 Pretty hard to believe that moron didn't notice me in that thing ain't it?

The funny part was GSXRnurse and I werent even at ironpony today we were at autozone across the parking lot

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I am at the point where I just fucking hit them... I get a new bike and some $$ out of it...

Unless you go over their car they won't change. I hope I have made 2 people learn to fucking look..

It isn't going to change and if they can't see the bright fucking headlight they won't see your jacket. Anything bright will not help. One reason why I never sugges a light colored bike cause bike color makes no difference.

About the only thing I would have said is "Next time I won't brake and hit your car so you have to go to court, pay fines, tickets, and your insurance will go up for having to buy me a new bike and the Thousands of medical bills I will have and the extra Compensatory damages."

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Tailgaters will not like me.

I will wait till I have room. Swerve left brake and be even with their door. Scream at them "see like you can stop faster then me, Now back the F*%K off." Then power away.

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I FUCKIN HATE tailgaters. I'm seriously considering carrying a few busted up sparkplugs just for that occasion. the last one, some fat bitch on her cellphone would have had a missing side mirror except the woman was on the back and she doesn't know quite how crazy I get yet.

On another note, is it wrong to be depressed for several days that you didn't go after someone and bust their car up?

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For revenge after the fact yes, since most of these dumb shits doesn't know anyone besides them exist in the world. Their heads are so far up their ass they won't even remember why their vehicle was vandalized. And if they see you doing it you will get in trouble....

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I prefer to get next to them and give them a big thumbs up and it usually pisses them off pretty good.

yeah i like to give em the thumbs up too. they usually feel pretty stupid lol.

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