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Hillary's fair share ad.


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This is a little different than having no motivation to work and expecting to be fed and housed. Without even reading it I'm guessing the county was betting on improvements and enjoying the revenue the business brought to the area and expecting expansion. 

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2 hours ago, jschaf said:

With so much at stake my conscience won't let me make a symbolic vote. If Trump won & Johnson came in at 20% (fantastic by current forecasts) the economy would be battered, the constitution would go out the window, &  the common people would be screwed. Good luck to the libertarians in the future & shame on the republicans.

Shame on both major parties.  Americans are dying to protect people of other nations (that may or may not appreciate our sacrifices).   We are being enslaved with debt by both major parties.   Choosing between the Republicans and the  Democratic Socialists is a lose/lose proposition.  I vote on principal,  not to be symbolic.   Let Johnson debate the two clowns,  and we can see what happens. 

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22 minutes ago, Connie14 said:

Shame on both major parties.  Americans are dying to protect people of other nations (that may or may not appreciate our sacrifices).   We are being enslaved with debt by both major parties.   Choosing between the Republicans and the  Democratic Socialists is a lose/lose proposition.  I vote on principal,  not to be symbolic.   Let Johnson debate the two clowns,  and we can see what happens. 

I love you too man.

I don't understand how anyone with any morals can continue to vote for people that are sending our children to die, to allegedly save people that want to kill us.

The lesser of two evils is bullshit. What, vote for Stalin because he isnt as bad as Hitler?

That is retarded.

Edited by Tonik
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 Lots of talk on the different tax systems, here's why I think the progressive system is the best. First, history tell's us that whenever the middle class is beat down they rise up and revolt, murdering the aristocrats and the whole thing starts over again. In a progressive system the higher earners are taxed at a higher rate and lower earners less. The higher earners extra is distributed amongst the poor with civility being kept in check. The poor go right on being poor with the hope and opportunity's to move up. Now here's the beauty of it all, the rich go right on being rich. 

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@Bubba, first you say "lest you lump me in with the 1%-which maybe I am based on total net worth". Based on the latest Federal Reserve figures that requires assets of more than 7 million. Then you say " I don't recall bragging about having a few million" throw all your toys out of the crib and stomp off. Called on your bs you try to imply you're not a Trump voter. Are we supposed to believe you're a Hillary panty sniffer? Going off your avatar, you're an obvious homophobe. You fit the hater mold to a T. 

BTW, Mr self proclaimed grammar Nazi, in your petulant frenzy you forgot a the when you posted "you must be one of more". Dumb ass.

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2 hours ago, Lawrence1 said:

@Bubba, first you say "lest you lump me in with the 1%-which maybe I am based on total net worth". Based on the latest Federal Reserve figures that requires assets of more than 7 million. Then you say " I don't recall bragging about having a few million" throw all your toys out of the crib and stomp off. Called on your bs you try to imply you're not a Trump voter. Are we supposed to believe you're a Hillary panty sniffer? Going off your avatar, you're an obvious homophobe. You fit the hater mold to a T. 

BTW, Mr self proclaimed grammar Nazi, in your petulant frenzy you forgot a the when you posted "you must be one of more". Dumb ass.

That's pretty harsh.


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5 hours ago, motocat12 said:

Our country was founded on getting out of paying high taxes, why keep trying so hard to push them up?

Jealousy and social justice.

People like to forget this country promises equal opportunity not equal results.

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Maybe if people stopped electing people that spend shit loads more money than we are taking in on taxes we wouldn't have to raise taxes. Stop blaming others for your shitty choices at the polls. For example the 2nd Iraq war cost close to 6 Trillion dollars with interest, and we killed roughtly 100,000 enemy combatants.

That is about 60 Million per Arab killed.

Do any of you think that is a good return on our investment?

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And if you peeps think our tax and spending issues are because of the cost of welfare, social programs and the like you are on crack. Those numbers are a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the spending we do.

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I'm not getting any more involved in this shitfest than posting this link.  We spend a shit ton of money on everything, including social programs and defense. We spend very little money on education comparatively, which, if you animals in this dumbass farm really wanted to rally behind a cause instead of perpetuating the degenerative polarization, could take some time and puzzle over. 


Spending breakdown for ignoramii

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"Going off your avatar, you're an obvious homophobe. You fit the hater mold to a T."

This is totally awesome.  I have finally achieved the same level of infamy as Tonik among the OR cognoscenti.

@Tonik Better watch it or I'll steal that "Dome of Hate" and bring to SW Ohio.

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1 hour ago, Bubba said:

"Going off your avatar, you're an obvious homophobe. You fit the hater mold to a T."

This is totally awesome.  I have finally achieved the same level of infamy as Tonik among the OR cognoscenti.


Apprently he doesn't know that's a selfie

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Certainly won't deny we have over spent in the Middle East militarily and socially.  That money needs to stay home, but increasing and doubling down on failed social programs is certainly not the answer.  We keep paying more and more to social problems and the social problems keep getting bigger and deeper.  We are to a point now where illegal immigrants take welfare and also work illegally under the table and never pay into a system that is breaking the country.  This takes jobs from legal welfare recipients and the system just keeps spiraling out of control.

We have thrown tons of money at education and it changes nothing.  Akron city schools is at 20k+ per student per year compared to the 8k per student per year for the local school my kids attend and Akron test scores, graduation rate, and college rate keeps dropping.  This goes for all urban school districts.  The whole welfare and education system as designed is not working and no amount of money will fix it.

You are ignorant or lying to yourselves if you think more social money will change anything other than a votes.

Edited by whaler
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5 minutes ago, whaler said:

Akron city schools is at 20k+ per student per year compared to the 8k per student per year for the local school my kids attend 

Holy made up bullshit numbers Batman.

Akron spends $13,550.34 per student, no where near 20K +.  And Medina isn't that far below at 10,500.

These are State of Ohio Auditor numbers that I have extensive access to, they are indisputable.


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9 minutes ago, drc32-0 said:

When it comes to education you can talk numbers until the cows come home.We're missing the root cause again which is bad parenting.

Yep. But the question becomes do we give up on the kids and pay later when they become crack heads and criminals and breed more kids, or do we try and save them now?

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No,we don't give up on the kids but you're only going to say a very small percentage through education alone.I don't even like saying this,but we have to get them out of the destructive environment they are living in.Possibly away from their parents.Like I said,I don't even like saying this,but until they're away from the cause,how can you save them?

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