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Hillary's fair share ad.


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Both candidates should be thrown in the river and we should start over.

Hillary cracks me up...rich  people should pay their "fair share". Huh. What about the 45% of people who pay zero taxes (most of whom suckle a the teet of those that do so they take but don't give). Are they paying their fair share? Socialism here we come.

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24 minutes ago, Bubba said:

 As for my comments on a livable wage, either I stated my viewpoint poorly or you misunderstood.  I'm not advocating that American workers be paid a wage that is comparable to those in China. 

What I was saying is that there is no way we can pay people a livable wage AND be competitive with China.

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5 minutes ago, Tonik said:

What I was saying is that there is no way we can pay people a livable wage AND be competitive with China.

Well, if you're talking about paying unskilled union laborers $25/hr plus benefits to package widgets in a cardboard box, you're right.  I would hope there's a middle ground somewhere in between.  Ultimately, I think it will be a combination of bringing the rest of the world partway up to the American standard of living while simultaneously giving back some of the advances we've made and learning to live with somewhat less.  It's foolish to believe the entire earth's population can achieve the same standard of living as we have in the US and still live in an environmentally sustainable world.

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12 minutes ago, Bubba said:

Well, if you're talking about paying unskilled union laborers $25/hr plus benefits to package widgets in a cardboard box, you're right.  I would hope there's a middle ground somewhere in between.  Ultimately, I think it will be a combination of bringing the rest of the world partway up to the American standard of living while simultaneously giving back some of the advances we've made and learning to live with somewhat less.  It's foolish to believe the entire earth's population can achieve the same standard of living as we have in the US and still live in an environmentally sustainable world.


Tough plan there man, factory workers for Honda just struck not too long ago.  They settled for total wages of $250 a month.

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44 minutes ago, Tonik said:

Tough plan there man

You're right.  I don't believe the future is the bright sparkling jewel we all anticipated it to be.  Still not quite ready to embrace the 'zombie apocalypse' vision, though...

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1 hour ago, ScubaCinci said:

Both candidates should be thrown in the river and we should start over.

Hillary cracks me up...rich  people should pay their "fair share". Huh. What about the 45% of people who pay zero taxes (most of whom suckle a the teet of those that do so they take but don't give). Are they paying their fair share? Socialism here we come.

I get pissed off just reading those words F.S... It's not that I enjoy paying taxes so much, it's that she's touting it as a real friggin topic and people believe it. 

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 I commend and admire your hard work but you're not distorting any of the above the way the super-rich do. You really think you identify with them because you've amassed a few million in wealth? LMAO Your words were nothing but a braggarts post.

 Typical fake conservative, they tout free markets but protect and exploit just about any market distorting loophole if the money's right.

 I don't think he will, but wait till your boy Trump releases his tax returns. We're going to learn a whole lot more of these tax tricks of the super rich that no one on this board can take advantage of. Legal or not, a billionaire should not be able to pay a lower tax rate then his secretary.

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There's another reason I think the rich should be taxed harder...they don't fight our wars.The poor and workng class fight the wars that protect the rich folks assets.Until the rich start serving and filling some body bags they should pay more for the protection of our country.They want to talk about sacrifice...I'll start listening when they bury their kids like over 6000 poor and working class families have done since 9/11.

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1 hour ago, Lawrence1 said:



 Typical fake conservative, they tout free markets but protect and exploit just about any market distorting loophole if the money's right.


Same as they hate socialism,until they can save money on a socialist made product. Then they're happy as hell to support socialism.

They only dislike socialism when it comes to helping someone else.


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31 minutes ago, drc32-0 said:

There's another reason I think the rich should be taxed harder...they don't fight our wars.The poor and workng class fight the wars that protect the rich folks assets.Until the rich start serving and filling some body bags they should pay more for the protection of our country.They want to talk about sacrifice...I'll start listening when they bury their kids like over 6000 poor and working class families have done since 9/11.

They do pay more! Ridiculous 

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2 hours ago, Lawrence1 said:


 I commend and admire your hard work but you're not distorting any of the above the way the super-rich do. You really think you identify with them because you've amassed a few million in wealth? LMAO Your words were nothing but a braggarts post.

 Typical fake conservative, they tout free markets but protect and exploit just about any market distorting loophole if the money's right.

 I don't think he will, but wait till your boy Trump releases his tax returns. We're going to learn a whole lot more of these tax tricks of the super rich that no one on this board can take advantage of. Legal or not, a billionaire should not be able to pay a lower tax rate then his secretary.

Site your sources where the secretary paid more $ or a higher tax rate and what type of tax.

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14 minutes ago, Connie14 said:

I thought conscription hasn't been used since Vietnam,  but I may be mistaken.  The rich pay the vast majority of taxes,  but it will never be enough for the government. 

Conscription might be one of the best things we could do to bring this very fractured country together.All races, religions and social classes living and working together on a equal footing could teach a lot of people a lot of things they need to know.Besides, with all of the young men growing up with out a man in the house it might teach them some good life skills.And some of the pampered little boys might learn something about real sacrifice.

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2 hours ago, Lawrence1 said:


 You really think you identify with them because you've amassed a few million in wealth? LMAO Your words were nothing but a braggarts post.

Boy howdy, you are really good at twisting words and blowing smoke out yer ass.  I don't recall bragging about having "a few million"...s'matter of fact, I live pretty frugally on less money per year in retirement than I made when I was working.  If you try really hard, go back and concentrate on reading my posts.  Not one of them was written in a partisan tone or espousing either candidate.  I was under the impression we were having an economic discussion about the future of America.  Based on your emotional and disjointed responses here, you must be one of more opinionated and unintelligent posters in this thread.  But you sure got a loud mouth!  I'm done.

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16 minutes ago, drc32-0 said:

As I said in my previous post...when they start burying their kids I'll listen to their sacrifice.Money compared to kids is truely rediculous.

That's a stretch reply based on BS again. The rich do pay more dollars and a higher tax bracket. What more do you want? Under $40,000 with kids you're paying basically nothing. 

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3 minutes ago, Gump said:

That's a stretch reply based on BS again. The rich do pay more dollars and a higher tax bracket. What more do you want? Under $40,000 with kids you're paying basically nothing. 

You might want to go back and re-read my posts.I never said they don't pay more, I said they should pay more, much more.Keep playing with numbers.My point is if the middle class and poor  bare the burden of casualties and the rich refuse to,they should pay for the lions share of supporting the military that protects their assets.

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18 minutes ago, drc32-0 said:

You might want to go back and re-read my posts.I never said they don't pay more, I said they should pay more, much more.Keep playing with numbers.My point is if the middle class and poor  bare the burden of casualties and the rich refuse to,they should pay for the lions share of supporting the military that protects their assets.

How do they refuse to? So if the rich were in the military then they should get a tax break? I''d be for a tax break for military members and they already get a few..

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6 minutes ago, drc32-0 said:

You're joking  right?I f you can't understand the point of my last post we're just wasting our time.I've got better things to do, this liberal has to get up at 4:45 to start my ten hour day...you know how us libs like our freebies.


Your point is either extremely weak or yah, I've missed whatever you're trying to make a point about.

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8 hours ago, drc32-0 said:

You might want to go back and re-read my posts.I never said they don't pay more, I said they should pay more, much more.Keep playing with numbers.My point is if the middle class and poor  bare the burden of casualties and the rich refuse to,they should pay for the lions share of supporting the military that protects their assets.

Again, if you keep taking from those that have and give to those that don't to try to equal them, that's socialism. Our society is based on capitalism because socialism doesn't work. But if you are all for it, from now on, 3 days a week you have to let anyone who can't afford it to ride your bike as they see fit. Oh, and you pay for gas, maintenance and any repair that needs to be done. Feels good to give your fair share, doesn't it. BTW, if Clinton gets in, make that 4 days. 

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19 minutes ago, ScubaCinci said:

...from now on, 3 days a week you have to let anyone who can't afford it to ride your bike as they see fit. Oh, and you pay for gas, maintenance and any repair that needs to be done.

I think @ScubaCinci has finally hit on something.  This is exactly what needs to happen so @Bad324 can get to ride again!  ;o)

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