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Interesting opportunity has found me

Gixxus Christ!

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How hard could it be? Lol.  How many barrels a month? How many employees? Are you allowed to drink on the job?  I would venture a guess that your 1st 6 months would be rough with a lot of hours. After meeting you a few times I would recommend you for the job. Good luck man.

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If you get the offer it will be because they see something in you that they need. That is how smart small business people hire.

Your question isnt 'am I qualified', your question is 'do I trust their judgement'.

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7 hours ago, CrazySkullCrusher said:

Lol, any advice for a non-swimmer about to go off the high dive into the deep end?

Just answer their questions honestly.  Ask honest questions.  Don't oversell but don't sell short.  Blah blah blah BS BS BS suggestions that are generally true, but not helpful in actually getting the job.


I'm not sure what sort of manufacturing they do, is it mostly fab, mostly machining or both or what.... but depending on your forte, you may very well be the guy.  Management can be learned (otherwise, i wouldn't be here) in a relatively short time vs technical and mechanical "know how" which is much more intangible (and valuable in a new shop that will be full of shit that needs to be setup, installed, fixed, and generally "figured out") and comes from decades of being knee deep in shiny metal shit that goes clickity-clackity, which is your big selling point, IMO.  They'll probably expect you to live there more or less, so if they do make you an offer, remember that.  Assuming you're willing, go into the talks with the mindset that you're ready to "own it" and that, coupled with your deep rooted "make shit work" and "know how to make shit" background, will probably be the things they're looking for.

ORRRRR I'm completely off the mark and all that shit was useless.  hit me up on FB messenger or PM here if you want to chat more.  They're probably running a much bigger operation than what I have going on, so I'm not sure how much help I'll be.

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They have a foreman for all the nuts and bolts of the operation. I'd be his boss. I'd be setting production schedule, continuous improvement, seeking alternative manufacturing methods, adjusting hourly employee staffing, hiring and firing, dealing with customers and setting policy for the hourly guys, supervising day to day operations but not directly supervising the guys on the floor. I'd report directly to the CEO. 

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Sounds like a sweet gig, what's the hesitation on the position itself?

I completely understand the hesitation with the small company. Tried to leave my current job for a small construction company that looked to me having an extremely bright future but they low balled the salary and on top of that offered no benefits because they were too small so I had to turn them down.

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1 hour ago, CrazySkullCrusher said:

They have a foreman for all the nuts and bolts of the operation. I'd be his boss. I'd be setting production schedule, continuous improvement, seeking alternative manufacturing methods, adjusting hourly employee staffing, hiring and firing, dealing with customers and setting policy for the hourly guys, supervising day to day operations but not directly supervising the guys on the floor. I'd report directly to the CEO. 


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Sounds like a communication/strategic/decision maker position.  A role like that should pay accordingly.

I recently turned down something similar (but in software).  I really wanted the job, but the commute would have been difficult to manage with my kids.

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Yeah, this job will definitely have a lot of responsibility coming along with it. Median salary for a manufacturing supervisor in my area is like $53k. If they expect me to work 50+ hours a week for that I'd actually be taking a pay cut. I do want the position, it's with a growing company and I really love what they do, but I gotta look after my own interests. Commute would be shorter tho.

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