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It's BUSA SS at the org and I was banned from EBC for defending your bald lover.
That's right......Now I remember
Yea I got it. So far I'm still in. Micky is prolly going too.

Cool! thumb.gif

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You can't wrassle the willing!! :D What's up Sam....Glad to see another familiar face. That's not your screename on the 'Busa boards too, right???

Hey.......Did you get last months email about the Pitt Daytrip? You still in?

Is that the one you mentioned to me in another post? I'd love to hit up a few of these rides you guys go on they sound awesome! let me know when you guys would be headin through Youngstown and I'll def meet up with ya! ;)

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Is that the one you mentioned to me in another post? I'd love to hit up a few of these rides you guys go on they sound awesome! let me know when you guys would be headin through Youngstown and I'll def meet up with ya! ;)

Yeah.....Here's a writeup of the one we did 2 years ago Dweez. We rode around Lake Michigan & part of Huron last year....'Bout a dozen bikes at one point, 8 went all the way around... ~1,200 miles. Looking for some pix that got pulled on that thread, then I'll post it over here too, along with some others that may be of interest................


Love to have you along! Did you ever PM me your email addy so I can include you on the list? I'll be sending out the 1 month reminder here in a few days, and we'll probably start gettin' down to details shortly

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