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Grattan, Owndjoo (Drew) get better


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Drew is ok, but damaged his ankle in Trojan's Novice Boner of the Year award move.

Dre was railing even after I scared the shit out of him with a near highside with him on my outsie. He made the pass to 7th with a couple laps to go and pulled a nice gap, though thinking he was tailed he kept pace. On last lap he came up on a slowing novice in the last chicane.

They rider went through the first right hander then started to lean in for the left so Drew being courteous was just going to take him on the outside. Well the novice was thinking the white flag was the checkered. (Instead of pulling off track into the pits at T3 like everyone had done in practice all weekend, he decided to get off in T10 last corner). So with drew commited to the outside the Novice rider started to exit the track with no hand up or nothing leaving Drew no where to go except into him and his rear end.

Luckily Drew got slowed down enough and only bumped into the guard rail, but his bike to a thrashing.

I just want to take this post and wish Drew good luck on the Prognosis and a speedy recovery man...

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What is the extent of Drew's injuries? Just banged up is all? Hope so...

What happened to the bike? Is it a complete wreck or minor repairs? Guardrail and motorcycles are never a good combo. Did it have the new plastic and everything?

I'll see him Thursday and will ask, but let me know if he's ok.

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What is the extent of Drew's injuries? Just banged up is all? Hope so...

What happened to the bike? Is it a complete wreck or minor repairs? Guardrail and motorcycles are never a good combo. Did it have the new plastic and everything?

I'll see him Thursday and will ask, but let me know if he's ok.

I talked to him for about 15 minutes, he is ok but his left ankle took a shot. I am not sure if he was going to the doctor today to check the ankle, but he has either tendon/ligament strain or tear. Pain was starting at the heal and running up the back (Achilles I think) of the ankle. That seemed to be his only issue.

The bike was trashed. the front end was ripped off (it hit the guard rail out of 10 hard). in the trailer it was sitting on what was left of the forks and the rear was in the baxley...

Tail didn't look to bad, as the subframe still looked straight. He was on his old plastic... He might be able to get away with a new front end (forks are done and internals as well), but that will be tough, never got a good look at the frame.

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well i made it home last night and headed to the ER here in columbus. turns out i've got a chip fracture in my ankle and basically a severe sprain, although i haven't been to an MRI to see for sure. bike is totally done, snapped the frame, but not at any welds! here's a pic of it in the trailer...


Starting dead last was a PITA, but i was making good time. Didnt ride saturday, by the 3rd Practice sunday i was already goin faster there than i ever had. Best lap was a 1.24.3 i guess. didnt even get 1 whole race in...

hopefully i can save the internals of the forks... that's my main concern, engine looks ok. so it'll be a nice swap of parts to the 07

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well i was in no mood to talk to him. a bunch of guys cornered him and laid into him i guess, as well as the race director. he came over and apologized, but that doesnt replace a bike with LOTS of $$ in it

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hey brian, is it Tues. that you go to hooters? i'll be off work and can make it

Hell, if we are inviting ourselves, I am up working in Worthington so Im down to meet for lunch as well.. Daddy likes him some hooters. :D

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well i made it home last night and headed to the ER here in columbus. turns out i've got a chip fracture in my ankle and basically a severe sprain, although i haven't been to an MRI to see for sure. bike is totally done, snapped the frame, but not at any welds! here's a pic of it in the trailer...

Starting dead last was a PITA, but i was making good time. Didnt ride saturday, by the 3rd Practice sunday i was already goin faster there than i ever had. Best lap was a 1.24.3 i guess. didnt even get 1 whole race in...

hopefully i can save the internals of the forks... that's my main concern, engine looks ok. so it'll be a nice swap of parts to the 07

Dang I was hoping it wasn't that severe.. Hopefully that chip doesn't have to be taken out... I never walked around the front of the bike. I didn't want to see it..

Hoping for the best for ya man..

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doc just said keep it wrapped,iced and elevated and see an orthopedic. i'm also gonna see my sportsmed guy, make sure i dont have any serious tears, since all they did at the ER was a x-ray.

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that sucks man!!! i know we all have mistaken the white for the checkered before but to exit on the wrong spot on the track and to not give anyone a warning he is leaving the track... i would be pissed. i hope everything heals alright and hopefully those pimpin red pumas held up well.

heal up and get back on track.

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Yeah just as they popped over the hill out of 10-A and Drew started to bend in to 10-B to

Drew last race I did run 2 1:24.8s

hell yea chris! way to improve. Wish i coulda ran the whole day... def. needed to change my gearing, easily coulda ran 23's for sure.

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Fastest time of the weekend by Tim B. was 1:20 and I think 4 others had run in the 1:21 range.

I think 23s were there for me if I could get onto the front straight.

Stymie, Pett, and everyone was able to just leave me at the exit of 10B but I generally gained on them into 10 A.

Jeff Wrobel said I seemed to be taking 10 A too quick. Everytime I tried to open the gas how I wanted to in 10 B the rear would bounce then spin up then I would be wobbling and have to hesitate or roll out as the bike was bouncing. Last race after Jeff made the pass I closed up into the Bus stop and was on his tail at the exit of 10a and I opened the gas as normal through 10 B but he was able to just pull away on his 600 through 10 b and open a good 10 bike lenghts by exit while I was bouncing all over the place.

Turn 2 was a tough one for me as my line was as consitant as a meteorologists ability to predict the weather.

I got a tip from Jonas about the sweeper before the last race and it helped, but with only the warm up lap to try it I wasn't able to trust myself with it.

Bad parts was I wasn't riding to have fun. I am going to give gingermann a try and if riding feels like it did last weekend I am going to sell the 1k and just ride street and dirt.

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