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READ! CR member suggestions!


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Columbus Racing has been closed down for the time being, due to the fact that it is becoming increasingly difficult to moderate.

Users who are unwilling to read and follow the very few simple rules and guidelines that we have are making this unavoidable.

CR was founded to be a place where car enthusiasts could gather to share their interest in a fun hobby, not as a place for people to engage in arguments with strangers from behind the safety of their keyboards.

Increasingly, the topics on this site have strayed way too far from it's purpose, and attempts by moderators to bring it under control have only resulted in more obnoxious rule breaking, whining, complaining, and abuse of the moderators.

This site was created for YOU, and if you are not willing to take care of it and keep it strong, then it doesn't need to be here.




What's expected from CR members?


- No post whoring to increase your post count.


- No bad behavior at meet spots. This means no burnouts, revving, loud stereos or leaving trash.


- No bashing of mods or admins for doing their jobs.


- No bashing of CR policies or events. Suggestions should be constructive, not insulting.


- No leghumping or harassing of female members.


- No off topic posts. Keep posts relevant to their section.


- Read and follow the rules for the section you are posting in.




These rules are here to promote a fun place for automobile enthusiasts to hang out. Violation of these will subject the member to temporary or permanent banning from CR to keep the morale intact for everyone else.




[ 24. March 2004, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: Got Torque. ]

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This seems a little extreme to me.


CR is a pandora's box. You cannot stop or alter it's natural progression. Note the similarities between CR's progression and the progression of the automotive hobby.


All you can do to stop it is close CR for good.

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WTF? I must have missed something between 2PM and this. There's always been bitching and stupid people on CR. We have more members now, that means more of them are going to be stupid people who like to bitch. I don't see the huge problem unless something extreme happened today? :confused:
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Guest Elinar Longsight
This was a decision made by admins and moderator during a meeting. Unfortunately, serious action had to be taken to help CR for the better. CR will be back, and hopefully better, once everything is once again as it should be.
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O'Rourke, you have defined the problem accurately. This is our attempt at a solution.


Here is a question for people, including Chris: "Is CR worth keeping around in its current state?"


- If yes, then there is no problem.


- If no, then there are only two logical choices. Do everything possible to change it, or just end it.


The mods and admins unanimously think "no", for whatever that is worth to everyone.

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is this the end for our intrepid board and its members? has cr finally gone old yeller on us, and reached the point where the only solution is at the end of a shotgun? will the joker finally trump batman?


tune in next week kids, for our thrilling conclusion. same bat-time, same bat-channel!




what this place needs is a military coup-de-etat.

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Originally posted by O'Rourke:

Give every mod/admin 10 bans and 1 veto and then close registration. Problem solved. graemlins/lurk.gif

you know, the board would actually be an interesting place if every senior member, throughout his life on cr, had the privilige to ban one member. people might be a bit nicer to each other.
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I guess I'm with O'Rourke...did i miss something? CR has always had bickering between members and any forum, no matter the topic, will have the same. Post whoring is a problem and HAS BEEN a problem for a long time. In the past extreme post whores have been set at negative post counts as punishment, or set to 0. Why can this not be considered now. If a person replys to every post on the front page with "+1," or some other comment that adds nothing constructive to a post then I feel this is a viable solution.


I know we all at one time or another have said "+1," but there are times where you just want to second a thought that someone else has already brought fourth. I think there's a difference between that and blatent post whoring.


As far as behavior at meetnig places, I feel that's solved with the private lot.


In reguard to the bad mouthing of mods/admins - I'm not really sure whats happened in the last few days, so I can't comment on that. But there were people that had complained about their posts within a topic being deleted. I think those people have every right to be mad, since IMO deleting someones post that is within a topic is uncalled for. Warn the person by PM's or in the post itself if it's really something that shuoldn't have been said. IMO when you delete someone's post (whether justified or not) that person will always post about how the admin/mod has censored them. Some people will always jump on their bandwagon and since the post has been deleted there's no way for the average reader of CR to make their own judgement on the matter.


I think a lot of the things that are happening now are no different from what I've seen since joining this board. There are just a lot more members now. You can't tell me that "Mr. Forky" threads weren't off topic, so how's that any different from anything you see today on the board.


Granted, I don't read every post on this board, and maybe some of the things you are talking about have been deleted before I could read them. But to me this is just another CR winter.

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Like I said, I been doing computers for a long ass time. It don't take much to pull the plug, and now it's pulled.


It's been alot of fun hangin with you all, and now it done. Out of everything that's been done, I have never disagreed with any of it. I felt tht there were good reasons for it all and I had no problem with what was done.


This, shutting down the board, I don't agree with. I have never thought that there was an abuse of power here, not by Anthony, or any of the mods. But this is. Sorry Anthony, But I got to disagree with you on this one guy. There are better ways to deal with this. I do understand that it's getting out of hand, and hard to moderate. That I do understand, my suggestion is though, pull the plug, or do a strick 3 strikes and lifetime ban, it's gonna get worse from here out unless you start lifetime banning people for the shit that goes on, so just do it. Cuz its not gonna get better from here. With that, I am done. Everyone's got a choice to be here, I choose not to be.


Take care all.




[ 24. March 2004, 12:08 AM: Message edited by: Desperado ]

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Well, i say we get ride of some of the sections on the board, first being the off topic car crap, no need for it. The top 25s i think we have out grown those, and the speed trap, well i dont know who looks there. I think we just need to realize we are doing things that are against the law, and cops are out to protect them. People need to get over the law, and it being attributed to CR, cause what we do sometimes does not obey it, then when people bring all there crap on the board about how they hate the spot....give it up, if you dont like it dont go, its easy, yes we can have a couple of spots, but including myself i havnt done the work anthony has, and i will stand with anthony 100 %, this shit needs to end.
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Guest nevarmore

If I can help. Get ahold of me.


Would selling the domain and board (for as much as we can get) be out of line? Think of it like Krogers. Shed the burden for new controllable stomping grounds.

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Originally posted by Mallard:

I guess I'm with O'Rourke...did i miss something? CR has always had bickering between members and any forum, no matter the topic, will have the same. Post whoring is a problem and HAS BEEN a problem for a long time. In the past extreme post whores have been set at negative post counts as punishment, or set to 0. Why can this not be considered now. If a person replys to every post on the front page with "+1," or some other comment that adds nothing constructive to a post then I feel this is a viable solution.


I know we all at one time or another have said "+1," but there are times where you just want to second a thought that someone else has already brought fourth. I think there's a difference between that and blatent post whoring.


As far as behavior at meetnig places, I feel that's solved with the private lot.


In reguard to the bad mouthing of mods/admins - I'm not really sure whats happened in the last few days, so I can't comment on that. But there were people that had complained about their posts within a topic being deleted. I think those people have every right to be mad, since IMO deleting someones post that is within a topic is uncalled for. Warn the person by PM's or in the post itself if it's really something that shuoldn't have been said. IMO when you delete someone's post (whether justified or not) that person will always post about how the admin/mod has censored them. Some people will always jump on their bandwagon and since the post has been deleted there's no way for the average reader of CR to make their own judgement on the matter.


I think a lot of the things that are happening now are no different from what I've seen since joining this board. There are just a lot more members now. You can't tell me that "Mr. Forky" threads weren't off topic, so how's that any different from anything you see today on the board.


Granted, I don't read every post on this board, and maybe some of the things you are talking about have been deleted before I could read them. But to me this is just another CR winter.

+1 :D
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Originally posted by Rotary Convert:

Would selling the domain and board (for as much as we can get) be out of line? Think of it like Krogers. Shed the burden for new controllable stomping grounds.

Why run away from the problem? I know I've met some people through this board that I would have never talked to otherwise. I'm sure many others feel the same, and because of that the older members feel this is more of a community. It would be a shame to lose all that because a few post whores couldn't be handeled.
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I think if there seems to be a problem, it has to lay between communication and respect.


I have no problem with the 3 strike rule, and feel that it is a very good means of saying, "Listen we don't accept this type of behavior on our public car forum."


-I think that people are to often forgetting of how to respect others. Whether it be a mod or a female, respect them as you would in person...it's that simple.


-People are too tied up in hiding behind their keyboard when they type over the internet. I bet most of us would not "leghump" a woman that showed up at a meet, SO DON'T DO IT OVER THE INTERNET.


The people that encounter 3 strikes, probablly are better off not here, as they have already jepordized the integrity of the board by recieving the 3 strikes.

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I think that trying to control peoples behavior on a board is just wishful thinking. The one thing i've learned in my 3 years of being a moderator on another board is that you cannot hope to solve peoples stupidity, only to contain it. My solutions would be, for post whores, if anyone who can program the software so that you cannot have more than a certain amount of posts per day. I think that this would actually take care of many problems. You would have to focus and actually make your posts count for something. The biggest problem that I have with what everyone here is saying is that people are arguing about stupid shit on here. That is natural human behavior... it happens on every board in the world where the members might know one another, that is why we have an off topic section. I know i dont have much pull here, and I get the feeling that some of you probably hate me on here, but this is just what i believe.
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I agree with what Mallard said although I don't really post a whole lot and don't frequent the board like some people do so I don't see everything that happens, but I really haven't noticed too much of a deviation from the norm as of late. There's always been some people bickering in various threads, but I guess that's basically what people do. I haven't seen anything to really take note of as having gotten out of hand lately, so I'm not really sure if some drastic event occured that spurred this kind of an extreme action, but I hope you guys get it all resolved and figured out shortly.
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I think you guys should site more specific examples of problems. Saying "off topic threads" and "highschool drama" is a bit vague. If you want to get rid of the non-car stuff, then just delete the parking lot, and the pics and vids section. Having a non-car related forum, and then saying that you don't like all of the non car related topics just doesn't make sense. If you guys want me out because of my slightly more than average +1'ing, then I guess I'll leave. I just find it odd that several people have said (people who have been here way longer than I have) that their post per day used to be 14+
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