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READ! CR member suggestions!


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Guest nixon
:confused: So i guess mods and admins. are sick of dealing with idiots on here so the site was taken down? Maybe to stop post whoring, people just need to be well known by others or go out to a meet. That way people aren't posting stupid comments to get to 350 posts or 50 posts for the list.. I'm not really sure as to why the site was taken down though. I'm guessing the sites just out of control?
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i am gonna have to agree with rx7 steve and say that i felt like something was taken away when i got on today and the board was gone.


i personally don't think this had anything to do with noobs or post whoring, seemed to me in the short year i have been a member and the shorter time that i felt comfortable enough to post, that here recently the biggest problem is with people who have been here the longest have seemed to turn on the people running the board. I do not know if that is what is happening but if I was helping run this board that would be like a big ass knife in my back, and maybe this is why the mods are trying to get peoples attention. Cause seriously, does anyone here think that the mods can't handle an increase in the number of noobs that are here, as far as I can tell there have always been new people and there always will be, but when the people who make up the board start acting like retards it changes what people like about it. So do what you have to mods, cause hell I have met most people that are cool on the board and the ones I haven't I can get a hold of through the people I know, cause the board, even though it is my homepage and place I frequent the most, is still just a board. It is much better meeting in a parking lot to just stand around talking to the people I have come to know.


and mods don't make it more strict on the people who don't cause problems, cause I don't want to see CR turn into one of the many tech forums I frequent where no one knows each other except only by the internet, I come here for the fact that I know people and can talk shit with them when I can't go and hangout with them in person, but seriously if you guys leave the board down till the weekend that would be cool to me cause I would rather talk to you guys in person about what is going on and if I can do something about it, cause lets face it I am much cooler and much smarter in person

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I agree with Jason also. Shutting down the whole board is not going to resolve anything except make a lot of people mad. A lot of people who have been with CR appreciate what the mods do. If people are causing problems BAN them easy as that. There are always going to be problems and people who love to cause them... simple as that. I think CR has had tools forever doesnt mean you should shut the board down because of it. This IS a place to talk cars and have friends but as we all know being around cars EVERYONE has a DIFFERENCE of opinion thats life. I just hope this all gets resolved CR has a lot of benefits to it, and a lot of people have made a tin of freinds throughout the years... so lets get back to business ASAP... Just my 2 cents!!
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I don't have any issues with the forum rules exept no leg humping....Truthfully hear me out...i don't beleive any member should be able to leg hump another memeber....Just like you said...for the comfortablity from behind their keyboards...I don't know if another member is Gay...don't know...don't wanna know...so IMO...leg hompuing is only good for material items!



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I agree with the pay $10 fee if you want to view everything on the board, or become a memeber. This will sift out the wannabes, or the people that just want to contribute useless crap and negativity on every post they have. But allow the non-paying guests to view the For Sale boards so we can still get some word out of what's for sale, so we can put that money to whatever we need. So that $10 fee will basically pay for itself if you sell something outside the CR board. Do what you gotta go Anthony to make the board right.
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Originally posted by SHIEF:

I agree with the pay $10 fee if you want to view everything on the board, or become a memeber. This will sift out the wannabes, or the people that just want to contribute useless crap and negativity on every post they have. But allow the non-paying guests to view the For Sale boards so we can still get some word out of what's for sale, so we can put that money to whatever we need. So that $10 fee will basically pay for itself if you sell something outside the CR board. Do what you gotta go Anthony to make the board right.

I disagree when it comes to paying. If you make people pay they will feel they have the right to more than maybe what is allowed. they'll have a damnit i paid to have access and i wont to do what i want atitude. When they dont get thier way they'll wont there money back. I just think it will cause more problems then it will solve.
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Originally posted by Rebel INS:

Man, give us "under-classers" a thread to play in..Nothing right about that, Mr. Dictator.

It's shit like that is what I mean.


Hey, fuck you. You're more than welcome to leave, especially after all the shit I did to get your avatar working ya fucking retard.


See the shit I gotta put up with, people? :rolleyes:


Remind me to add him to the ban list when I get CR up and running again. +1 to cleaning up the fucking jackass noobs that ruin it for everyone else.

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Originally posted by Got Torque.:

It's shit like that is what I mean.


Hey, fuck you. You're more than welcome to leave, especially after all the shit I did to get your avatar working ya fucking retard.


See the shit I gotta put up with, people? :rolleyes:


Remind me to add him to the ban list when I get CR up and running again. +1 to cleaning up the fucking jackass noobs that ruin it for everyone else.

Ant, are you kidding me? That was so a joke. I can't believe you got bent out of shape over that comment. Just tried to add a little humor to this "ever so serious" thread.


I could reply to all the harshness you added to your post, but imma let it ride since you took my comment out of context. Not too often I sit back and be quiet when people talk to me like they lost their mind.

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It's simple, if they start to cause the "I paid, I can do what I want", you give them a couple warnings then ban them. What are they going to do? Taking you to court really isn't an option. The 'I'm gonna kick your ass' card won't work either since I'm pretty sure people on here will have whoever's back. If it really comes down to it, yeah just give them their money back. What's $10 anyway? Hell you spend almost 10 bucks buyin your wack-it lube.
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dont have time to read the what is now 5 pages of responses, but i have noticed alot of B.S. that has happened just recently in the past month or so. im sure whatever anthony and the other admins decide will be for the best, and that is without sarcasm.


+1 for out with the jackasses

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Originally posted by SHIEF:

I agree with the pay $10 fee if you want to view everything on the board, or become a memeber. This will sift out the wannabes, or the people that just want to contribute useless crap and negativity on every post they have. But allow the non-paying guests to view the For Sale boards so we can still get some word out of what's for sale, so we can put that money to whatever we need. So that $10 fee will basically pay for itself if you sell something outside the CR board. Do what you gotta go Anthony to make the board right.

+1 I think this would help alot also make it payable at a meet so the keyboard warriors that don't come out EVAR can't stay.


We could also put the money toward trophies and put on that cruise-in/car show graemlins/thumb.gif

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Originally posted by Got Torque.:

Use the smilie, that's all I gotta say. It makes the most out of your text when emotions aren't immediately seen.



You shouldn't be so quick to fly of the handle.
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Originally posted by Chief:

i dont know about paying but perhaps showing up to say 5 meets and behaving yourself should be a good starters??? just a idea that poped in my head.

The meet thing is a good idea... in theory. You then run into a problem of how to keep track of who is actually there. A sign up sheet? No, bc people can just sign names. Mental note or introductions? No, no one has a perfect memory. Having an Admin/Mod, or just Anthony write down who he meets? No, because then Anthony is working instead of playing. Not fair to anyone that would have to control the paper work of who is who.


Any whoo, as I suggested in chat last night... Maybe someone should have to mention a Senior Members real name and screne name and/or member number to be let on the board. Tools hang with tools. That kinda may solve the problem.


However, perhaps another chat with different members agains tonight/tomorrow night could get many more ideas flowing. Possibly implement the ideas that are comming up again and again... if they are possible hacks on the board (since I have no idea about this computer stuff).


As they said in the 70s... Peace, Love, and Happiness tongue.gif


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I've seen other boards be shut down for a while before, and with good results. The Sportbike Network is the one I'm thinking of actually, and the problems were not dissimilar to those here.


In my opinion these are the two Greatest Commandments.


1) Posting here on Columbus Racing is a privelage, not a right. This is a private message board, and a privelage can be taken at any time.


2) The leadership is sick of immaturity and bickering. Our leadership has never been perfect, but we're striving for a new level of behavior for ourselves and members. Enforcement is key, and decisions are final. So THINK and RE-READ before you post. Most members are welcome additions to the board, but many were causing negativity and damage and no helpful or friendly discussion or value.

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Guest Elinar Longsight
Originally posted by 100 RWHP:

In my opinion the these are the two Greatest Commandments.


1) Posting here on Columbus Racing is a privelage, not a right. This is a private message board, and a privelage can be taken at any time.


2) The leadership is sick of immaturity and bickering. Our leadership has never been perfect, but we're striving for a new level of behavior for ourselves and members. Enforcement is key, decisions are final. So THINK and RE-READ before you post. Most members are welcome additions to the board, but many were causing negativity and damage and no helpful or friendly discussion or value.

Thank you, thank you. I have saying that for awhile. Maybe people will realize that admins and mods are no longer going to put up with stupid crap anymore.
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