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redneck racing ...


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Guest onewildpaseo
Originally posted by gergwheel:

isn't anyone going to say anything about the motor mount. ITS A CHAIN!!

that was the first thing I noticed. Definately owned by a redneck
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Well, if you stop to notice, that's a Ford Solinoid on the shock tower. And it looks pretty original, so I would say that it's a Ford car, but I don't know. As far as the chain, could be that the motor is just getting put in and that's the temp mount so he can weld up the motor mounts. OR, he is using the chain to stop the motor from twisting.


Now the guy may know more than you think, I have seen alot of guys weld the motor mounts in a derby car, then take a hit in the nose and tear the block open because the frame bent. So this might be a better solution for setting up a derby car. Oh yeah, the reason for the pipes through the hood is it's required, they try to eliminate anything that would cause a fire on the ground that could spread. Another trick for derby cars is the idle them at about 2500 RPM. Reason is that the chances of loosing the radiator is high, of course once the radiator gets a hole in it the motor gets hot, damn hot. And car engines tend to want to die when they are that hot. The high idle keeps em from dying.


I leave you with this. Big body cars, that make good derby cars are leaving us quickly. Being ground up and melted down. If you like derby's you better go now, their time is limited.

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