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DSM ablaze:


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It was scary and cool at the same time, the guy got out luckly. One of our friends was standing near the female that he was there with (we have heard girlfriend and stepmom.. so not sure which.. anyways) and she kept screaming.. Wende told her he got out, and she said i know.. but THATS MY CAR!!
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Originally posted by Avenger:

Nitrous explosion? Oh wait, sourced from ClubSI.


That's a grenaded tranny, or at least the tranny went as well. Looks like a pressure plate sitting behind the car in the 2nd or 3rd picture.

What are you talking about? That is the parachute behind the car. It deployed shortly after the fire started. The nitrous explosion probably severed the fuel line, thus the trail of fuel behind the car. The fuel kept pumping and it was over. When the fire got to the gas tank, it was really really over.
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That is exactly what my car looked like. It happens so fast. You can't imagine how fast and how hot a fuel fire burns. The flames from my car where like 15 feet in the air. Mine was from the flywheel exploding and part of it going through the gas tank. You can't imagin what that feels like. After it is all said and done you have to realize it is just a car and at least no body was hurt.
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That sucks for the owner. The driver as well, getting that close to being hurt. Those pictures were amazing though, some great shots. I'm just wondering why they pretty much let it burn to the ground? By the time the firetruck arrived, it was pretty much out. I would be pissed!
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