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Holy Mother of STFU ...


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You know the only shit that pisses me off is that 99.9% of the mother fucking assholes that hate bush and think that we should just play nice with the Arab countries have never seen any of these videos and have no clue how crazy these people are. I hope the hell I offend some of you because that will let me know who the dumbasses are.

If you say we shouldn't be there killing this criminals I want you to tell me you could saw a guys head off with a small buck knife while hes trying to scream through the hole your making in his neck.



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Guest stvbreal
How can we win a war where the enemy is willing to die anytime, anywhere for their cause? Such brutality, with no remorse by hacking someones head off with a knife. Our guys are getting court marshalled for taking pictures with naked Iraqi prisoners and these guys are hacking heads. Get out and drop "Little Boy". It's time, again.
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We fought and beat Japan. They were a similar culture. Watch a little bit of history channel and you will see were on Iwo Jima the people including women and chidren were running in front of your guys that were firing the larger machine guns just to pile up in front of them enough that they couldn't see or shoot anymore. I think its time we played that type of video on the 6:00 news or just interupt all channels and do an emergency broadcast of it so all the fuck heads can see who the enemy really is.
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:-/ wtf man i shouldnt have watched that and i was eating a fucking hot pocket now its on my floor man thats fucked up im with you Blackout kill all of them bastards :-/ thats fucked up man! and all of you idiots that think we should not be over there killing these fucks then you need to take yo ass to iraq and see how happy they will be to see you!
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two things...


1.) do you really think that we should destroy an entire country because of a select group of fucked up people? That's like destroying America because we do fucked up shit... we might not pull the trigger, but who do you think gave most of these fuckers weapons in the first place?


2.) We Nuke them, then entire world will be after us... What we need to do is play even harder hard ball than them... find their weakness and exploit the shit out of it... Nucular warfare will only lead to mass destruction and the end of civilization as we know it.


Take nekkid pictures of their women and post them on the walls for all I care....


They are instilling fear in us and causing us to want to want to pull our troops out... which they are getting what they want... we need to find out who did this, take a video of their balls getting chopped off and make them walk the streets with no balls and no hands.... then play the video everywhere...


come on people... killing an entire nation is almost as stupid as pulling out our troops... we need to have our troops push harder.... We are the strongest nation in the world... time to start acting like it... I refuse to believe that we are only the strongest because we have the best bombs.... We're American's damnit, it's time to show them what we're made of.


DAMNIT, I'm running for president... I know how to get this place back in order :cool:

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Originally posted by EvilEvo:

How can we win a war where the enemy is willing to die anytime, anywhere for their cause? Such brutality, with no remorse by hacking someones head off with a knife. Our guys are getting court marshalled for taking pictures with naked Iraqi prisoners and these guys are hacking heads. Get out and drop "Little Boy". It's time, again.

Jesus Christ, I agree 100% I couldn't have worded it any better. Everyone bitches about little incidents that have Americans involved, but look what the hell they are doing to us! It's like everyone is so used to people being beheaded they've gone numb to the fact that these are Americans.
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Originally posted by EvilEvo:

How can we win a war where the enemy is willing to die anytime, anywhere for their cause? Such brutality, with no remorse by hacking someones head off with a knife. Our guys are getting court marshalled for taking pictures with naked Iraqi prisoners and these guys are hacking heads. Get out and drop "Little Boy". It's time, again.

If we werent so PC and warm and fuzzy we would grow a pair and start buring the dead Iraqi 'soldiers' in pig remains. Se if they want to be killed then.
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Originally posted by rl:

If we werent so PC and warm and fuzzy we would grow a pair and start buring the dead Iraqi 'soldiers' in pig remains. Se if they want to be killed then.

It also worked for a great American General, Blackjack Pershing, in the Philipines.


One thing that people should keep in mind -- these beheadings are being done by Al Qaida in Iraq. This is NOT some native Iraqi resistance. This is Al Qaida, and yes, we will hunt and find every last one of them.

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Originally posted by SupraGlue:

It also worked for a great American General, Blackjack Pershing, in the Philipines.


One thing that people should keep in mind -- these beheadings are being done by Al Qaida in Iraq. This is NOT some native Iraqi resistance. This is Al Qaida, and yes, we will hunt and find every last one of them.

Al Qaida is NOT in iraq, they do not have ties to iraq, they never were in IRAQ! graemlins/bsflag.gif
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Guest stvbreal
I am watching CNN. They first talked about a suicide bombing in Isreal. Then they talked about a car bomb in Baghdad. Then starting talking about the beheadings, now there are 2 Americans beheaded. Then they started talking about court marshalling our soldiers. They need to stop associating (including in news headlines) our troops with these uncivilized individuals who bomb and kill people.
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words cant describe what i am feeling after seeing that video, i could personaly do the same to each one of those faceless cowards. every one of those bastards never show there faces that is chicken shit. they will die for there cause but they are all unwilling to show there fucking faces. i have one thing to say to these cock sucking cowards SHOW YOUR SELF AND FIGHT LIKE REAL MEN FACE TO FACE graemlins/finger.gifgraemlins/finger.gif

tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye

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Yesturday I was taking the peaceful approach... I decided after thinking about it that I don't think that... fuck it, drop a bomb and level them all... who cares... second though, let's level the whole planet.



on a serious note, What are the guys names? How old were they? Do they have families? Children? That would be horrible to be able to watch your father's head sawed off on the internet and know that thousands of people watched my father die from this bruitality... I would really like to see this whole group of individuals get slaughtered then throw with pig guts etc... then take pictures of it, and their nekkid wives... post it everywhere... I do say that instead of sawing off their heads, stick their hands in meat grinders, then beat their toes with a sledgehammer... then dish out their eyes with spoons, make them die VERY painfully.


Could you imagine the last thought on that guys mind while he was being decapitated? When that knife first touched his throat, that would have to be horrible... I couldn't imagine how awful that would be. What was his crime? For the life of me, I don't remember the names of anyone that has died from this so far...

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