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Some good videos i came across


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Thought this was pretty awesome...




This is crazy too...




Drumline with 5 gallon buckets




Handpuppet sex - MIGHT NOT BE WORK SAFE!!!!




Hyena stills Lions kill... Hyena gets owned smile.gif



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I've seen that Lions vs Hyenas video on a nature show before. Even without being set to music thats pretty much how it went down: The lionesses make a kill, the hyenas come in as a group and drive the pride off the kill, the lion comes back from elsewhere in the territory and fucks the hyenas' junk up royal.


That vid missed one of the best shots of that show: at one point the lion leaps out of a bush at the group of eating hyenas and drops a male hyena corpse on their heads. They scatter. Awesome stuff.


Group of Female lions @ 280lbs per = Hyenas attack


One Male lion @ 550 lbs = Hyenas get their shit torn up


Like bringing a tank to an infantry battle....

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

That vid missed one of the best shots of that show: at one point the lion leaps out of a bush at the group of eating hyenas and drops a male hyena corpse on their heads. They scatter. Awesome stuff.

anyone got a link to this? I was dissapointed that the vid spent such a short time showing Lion ownage.
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Originally posted by The Stig:

anyone got a link to this? I was dissapointed that the vid spent such a short time showing Lion ownage.

I think you can rent the DVD at blockbuster. I also saw it for sale at the Discovery Channel store, and I think I saw it at Media Play. I don't think anyone has made the entire show into a vid for download though.
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