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Cool Martial Arts Vid


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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> Does anyone know what form of martial arts that is? Taekwondo (sp), Kempo, etc? I'm looking for a class in my area, and it would be helpful to know what form practices what.
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Looked like a bunch of guys in gi's doing flips to me.


I'd love to get back into karate, but I haven't found anywhere cheap enough yet. I was in Shuri Ryu a style practised by the people of Shuri Okinawa that was brought to them in 750AD from China where it was passed to them from India around the year 2,000 BC so its got some old stuff to it. The instructors there were awesome. I'd love to find someone up here that good because I swear I don't know anyone that could even hit them before they had to down and out. Fast as fuck.


Oh anyone know somewhere you can just go and practise on your own or with a group of people? My house doesn't really have the room for weapons and sparring and I wouldn't want to worry people in the neiborhood by doing it in my yard.



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yes, there's a few places you can but getting to it is a hassel if you aren't an OSU student.


Also the aerials there aren't all that affective in the middle of combat but it looks nice:D


And the Guano apes song is called "open your eyes"

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Your right the jumps and stuff would be useless in a fight except to maybe wear someone out.

Not knocking the really good Tae Kwon Do guys, but most that I've fought at the schools in Marietta were pretty pathetic. Kicking unless your fast or your opponent is dumb just takes to long to get off a good hit. Thats why the only kick an old school karate instructor will teach will be a front kick to the balls or maybe a little higher. Bruce Lee is also quoted saying that any kick above the waist will probably not work.

The other school I went to was a kind of karate/boxing school. The guy taught boxing for the punching technics and had a bunch of kicks thrown in to call it combat karate. Pretty funny. It was effective, but the instructor wasn't that good and it wasn't unusual for most of the students to get the best of him.


Greeco Roman wrestling owns all when the fight goes to the ground.



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Well a fight doesn't have to go to the ground when its totally one sided. Say Mike Tyson vs me and most other people, but most of the time a fight won't start and end with both people standing and if I'm knocked down via a blow, push or bodyslam and I don't have time to get up before the assailent gets over top of me then he's going to be joining me.

Of course I've never been in a fight that lasted more than a few seconds out side the ring because I usually get in quick and hold them painfully while I talk them out of a big mistake for one or both of us. I've never had anyone disagree after that point, but hey you never know and its good to know you can hold your own. As well as martial arts are fun and a great workout.



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How does everyone feel about martial arts weapons while were on it. I like the Nunchukus(sp) myself.

I wouldn't want to argue with anyone that is holding nunchukus. I am pretty well practised in most of the weapons of karate and a few kunfu ones and the nunchukus will deliver the most painful blows.

I'd most like to be attacked by someone with a knife because the knife is a mental game. Most amatures are going to try to keep a hold on it and try to cut or stab you. At the same time it will give them a sense of security because they don't think you'd try anything risky. Thats when my one arm holds there knife hand and the other causes damage to there eyes and maybe even a few liver/kindy shots. Lots of fun!



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