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Hilliard MILF's (56k OwNeD)


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Originally posted by Volvo Power:

Actully "People Watching" is a hobby. To sit in a park and watch people, observing behavior, take a picture if need be... is not a crime. Now if one of the people asked him to not do it, and he continued or followed them, then thats harrasment.

Just because a couple people think its wierd doesnt = this a guys needs to be taught a lesson for creepyness.

Trust me, there are far worse things that this individual could be doing to deserve a strike.


If he gets a strike, then noone can ever post up a picture of anykind of any person. That could be some picture of someones mom/dad/son/daughter/ that he/she doesnt want others blasting on the net... how likely is that... none to no way in frozen hell.


Get a grip guys, theyre just pictures.

Thank You,


people post pics on here all the time that have naked women, and hidden cam pics/vids!

all these women are fully clothed and it's not like i was sneaking around stalking these women, GET A GRIP PEOPLE!!!!

i went to the park to enjoy the day WITH MY SON, it just so happened that while i was taking pics of my son i also took 10-15 pics of decent looking mom's while i was there, GET OVER IT!

but....everyone's entitled to their own opnion

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Originally posted by GSRchick714:

Wow..thats pretty creepy...I'm kinda scared to go to any parks now...especially Homestead graemlins/burnout02.gif

WOW.....didn't think a few pics would SCARE people....to any women that take offense to this....I APOLOGIZE...truly, i am sorry....pm me if you want and i will remove the pics.
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Guest GSRchick714

I'm not saying that I want you to remove pics BUT if I were at a park and caught a random guy taking a picture of me I have to say, I'd be a little freaked out! I think most women would. Its just kinda creepy-ish. The pics that other guys post on here are typically from porn sites or something (I'm guessing) and those are not taken sneakily.

Its all good...I just was stating my opinion! smile.gif

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Ok, I don't see a problem with going to the park and looking at women, or even taking pictures of women. But you have to remember that you just posted their picture on the internet without their permission, consent or even knowledge. That's that part that's a little creepy, possibly illegal? Not sure the actual terms with posting pictures are, but yeah....
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Originally posted by Myst:

Ok, I don't see a problem with going to the park and looking at women, or even taking pictures of women. But you have to remember that you just posted their picture on the internet without their permission, consent or even knowledge. That's that part that's a little creepy, possibly illegal? Not sure the actual terms with posting pictures are, but yeah....

Not illegal by anymeans. The pictures are not degrading in any way at all. If anything, i would label them as art and call it "Faces of Motherhood" or something stupid like that. Now had it been someones mom/wife on the board, and that person asked him to remove it/not ever do that again, and he did... then hed have problems with both the law, and the person who asked him to stop.
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Originally posted by GSRchick714:

I'm not saying that I want you to remove pics BUT if I were at a park and caught a random guy taking a picture of me I have to say, I'd be a little freaked out! I think most women would. Its just kinda creepy-ish. The pics that other guys post on here are typically from porn sites or something (I'm guessing) and those are not taken sneakily.

Its all good...I just was stating my opinion! smile.gif



Obviously she hasn't seen the pics on here that Nick posted of her!!!!!!!!



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Guest GSRchick714
Originally posted by satan:



Obviously she hasn't seen the pics on here that Nick posted of her!!!!!!!!



Haha always SO funny Ben :rolleyes:graemlins/lol.gif
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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> As guys, I think we all appreciate a good milf now and then. However, this has just slightly crossed the line that is beyond 'enjoying the sights'. Granted, in no way illegal, but damn dude- that's really freakin creepy.
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Originally posted by RX7dood:

there is a difference between observing behavior and taking pictures of MOMs at a PARK with the intention of showing other guys how fuckable they are.


if i caught someone taking pics at a park of my wife or kids i'd probably call the police, in times like these there are a lot of sickos out there.

...you don't have a wife or kids. Relax. How do you think famous people feel? At least he's not taking pictures of "your wife" naked sunbathing. If I was at a park taking pictures of "my son" and saw some good looking women, I'd probably take pictures of them too. What's the big deal?


That's one thing I never got about gender opinions. Some guy merely shares pictures of people you wouldn't see otherwise to see if you think they're attractive and people think he's the next serial rapist. Had this guy worded his post "I found these pictures on the internet of some hot moms. What do you guys think?", Berto would be the first to share his point of view. But since this guy took the pictures, he's a sick-minded freak. Take a fuckin' chill pill.

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HAHAHAHA thats fucking holarious. i cant believe all you people are geeking out on this. Like Kevin said, I bet none of you think twice when you see a splash of a famous person on TV but those people get 30 cameras All up in their shit. Guys taking pictures, if its your wife/daughter/girlfriend. YOu should think to yourself "I do have a hot bitch" hell Sam showed of his girlfriend, fowler, hoblick... Now you want to call out consent again the poparatzi arguments still uplies. Your only valid argument could be just taking pictures in general.

Berto comon man you weren't you gigglin when i recorded the Female announcers asses at the auto show. (mighta been doug or both im intoxicated right now) (more than usual :D )

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Originally posted by Ricochet:

The breeders up here in Dublin are 10's.



god this shits holarious


Hey berto where do you stand on cruise fest pics?

Ever checked out someones spring break pics?(the "good" ones)

Hot girls at sporting events that you know are on camera just cause their beautiful. *this is pam anderson got her career. Arent you gettin a weeee bit specific here.



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