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Venomss '03 Cobra Detailed (no 56K)


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I detailed John's cobra the other day and man what a beautiful car and a great guy...maybe the most hospitable client that I've had all year.


Anyhow onto the car and the processes:


Wash with Zaino Z7

Clay with Clay Magic Blue

Wash with Z7

Spot polished with Poorboys SSR2 and polishing pad

Machine polish with Poorboys Super Swirl Remover 1 on a polishing pad

Zaino Z2 by hand

4* Ultimate Paint Protection by hand

Klasse AIO on the wheels and exhaust

303 Aerospace protectant on interior


And onto the results:







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Feel free to send me an e-mail @ kutscha@nationwide.com and I'll send you all of the pictures that I ended up getting of the car. I was running out of time with light as the sun was going down so several of them were a little dark but the car turned out beautifully.


One more thought as well since I dindn't get to speak with you after the detail. Please clean your car duster...I think that some of the miro-maring could have been inflicted from a dirty car duster.


Thanks again for the business!



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Originally posted by AudiOn19s:


Feel free to send me an e-mail @ kutscha@nationwide.com and I'll send you all of the pictures that I ended up getting of the car. I was running out of time with light as the sun was going down so several of them were a little dark but the car turned out beautifully.


One more thought as well since I dindn't get to speak with you after the detail. Please clean your car duster...I think that some of the miro-maring could have been inflicted from a dirty car duster.


Thanks again for the business!





I'm starting to see more and more of your work around town, your doing a great job at what you do as well as getting your name out. If I wasn't such a cheap ass, I'd hire you.

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Thanks for the compliments. I still would like to setup some sort of official relationship with Passen but as things got crazy busy this summer I never got around to it. My relationships with Auto Assets, Porsche club and BMW Club have been huge for me this summer and kept me busier than I could have ever expected and even wanted in many cases but I've never been one to turn down work...it seems like I'm doing something right as almost every piece of business has resulted in multiple referrals.


If anyone would like they can check out my rinky-dink site at www.andyzainodetail.com It's kinda cheesy but something that I put together in a hurry to get a web presence.



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The car is immaculate. In 15 or so years washing and waxing and polishing my own cars, I've never even been close to getting the car in as good of shape as what it's in now. It's perfect.


I'll send you an email soon. Also, thanks for the tip on the car duster - in my email, I'll probably ask for your suggestions on how to clean it and/or what duster to go with in the future.


To CR: I recommend Andy without reservation. The pictures, while awesome, don't really do his work justice. I had a lot of micro-abrasions (spider-webbing) before - those are completely and utterly gone now. His pricing is very reasonable, the guy is a consummate professional, and the work is top-notch.


Andy's so good that he actually buffed my Ford right into a Porsche - as illustrated in the second pic. smile.gif

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Orion. Generally what I did to the Cobra would be about $150...BUT I've been offering CR members substancial (at Least I feel they're substancial) discounts as the season winds down and everyone is getting ready to either put things away for the winter or they need added protection for the winter months. Give me a ring if you'd like a quote. 614-747-0002


Mark - Yes and NO...it all depends on the weather and when my home is going to be completed. Seeing as though I'm mostly mobile when the temperatures get below about 45 it gets pretty rough when you're outside washing a car all day but I went almost until December before giving up last year. I hope to have my house completed in November at which time I'll have heat and lighting setup in the garage where i can detail cars in the garage and work the remainder of the winer until I can go mobile in the spring again.


Another note (I'll be leaving this on my voice mail) I will be gone from Nov 1 - Nov 15 for my wedding / Honeymoon and will obviously not be available for work around that timeframe...but I'll be broke and looking for additional work when I get back.

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Andy, please PM me when you get back from your wedding. I like to think I've done a great jorb keeping my Vette in tip-top shape, but if you can offer a Zaino job like the Cobra for me, I'd definitely be interested for a protective winter coat on my Vette (it's going to be an outside car unfortunately :( .
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ODB...depends on a couple of variables with the overspray (how bad and how long it's been there as well as if the paint had any product on it prior to the overspray). Sometimes clay will take overspray right off of a well kept vehicle...othertimes overspray requires wetsanding to remove. I'd be more than willing to at least check it out to let you know if I can get it off or not.


Zietgeist: you have PM

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Originally posted by AudiOn19s:


Feel free to send me an e-mail @ kutscha@nationwide.com and I'll send you all of the pictures that I ended up getting of the car. I was running out of time with light as the sun was going down so several of them were a little dark but the car turned out beautifully.


One more thought as well since I dindn't get to speak with you after the detail. Please clean your car duster...I think that some of the miro-maring could have been inflicted from a dirty car duster.


Thanks again for the business!



Andy, how do you clean one of those dusters anyway?-btw way wonderful job on John's car.
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I've got the california duster and you can detatch the bonnet from the handle and throw it in the washer. I treat it just like all of the Microfiber towels that I use. Wash with Woolite or generic woolite, never use powder detergent, Let the washer fill up then shut off and allow the duster to soak for 30-60 minutes then continue with the wash cycle. Don't use any fabric softeners or bleach and do not machine dry, let them hang dry.


The dusters aren't quite as delicate as Microfiber but I learned the hard way not to dry microfiber as I ruined 5 nearly new towels by putting them in the dryer.


To tell you the truth...if it were me I'd throw away the dusters all together and purchase some good Microfiber towels and a product called Spray ane Wipe from Poorboys...it might take a couple more minutes than using the duster but it's 10 times safer. My personal pick for great microfiber at a reasonable price the elite towel from www.autofiber.com...and the Spray and Wipe can be found at www.poorboysworld.com

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