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Dry ice bomb...

The Pikey

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there is a solution to that. Pour some accerent on the ground, I like Toluene, until you have about a 2ft wide damp spot (not a puddle!). Kick, scoot, or sweep the dry ice bomb into the center of the accelerant puddle. pour a trail of acclerent to a safe distance and light the trail. It will light the circle and hte heat will deffinately pop it, and the blast will put out the fire....unless you poured a puddle.
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Was that Anthony?






Joe(Nitrousbird) and I used to work at a produce company that used dry ice to keep ice cream frozen along with other frozen items. We used to put them under skids and scare the shit out of people.

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A 2 liter bottle, pool cleaner (Hydrochloric acid), and shredded aluminum foil! Cap, shake, and toss... FAR AWAY....


Makes Hydrogen gas.... BOOM!


Did this at a friends house when I was a kid. Big fireball and took a huge chuck of grass out of the lawn.



*if you are dumb enough to try this, I will not be held accoutable for the consequences....

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kid at my school was in the news this week. evidently he was building some home made firework. it blew in his hand. he's got 3rd deg. burns but should be fine. he was playin with gun powder though, lil different i guess. We used to make good ol' vinegar and baking soda bombs. use glass bottles though, the plastic ones just get the cap blown off. we actually had the bomb squad called on us.
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Gee, I would think after 9-11 and the new laws pertaining to ANY sort of bomb making that the members of this board would have enough sense to NOT attempt to make ANYTHING that could be considered a bomb. Just don't extect me to come visit your asses in federal prison, let us all know what it's like to be violated anally by bubba when you get out.
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