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House for Sale


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I decided to try helping out some friends by renting it to them for $800 a month and I paid utilities. They couldn't even make that work. They were running up $150 phone bills, two months back on rent, but worst of all I was lied to. On one of my 600 mile trips out to collect rent, (because mail gets lost and people lose money order receipts :rolleyes: ) I left her cash to pay a $200 water bill. She never paid the bill. She told me she did. Wrong answer. Not that this was enough to make a big deal over, but it was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.


Renting is out of the question. I'm done screwing around. I live too far away for that.

I just want to get rid of it and be done with it.


Anyway...I figured I would offer it up to friends before it goes on the market next week. It is priced right in line with all the comparables in the area and most have sold in the first few weeks very close to if not at asking price. Let me know on here or by PM if you are interested. I'll get you in contact with my realtor.

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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

I still get a garage spot right? ;)


He's not backing off the price, some schmoe is paying his asking price for it. But here's one I'm looking at now...




My dad also wants to talk to me about buying his still.

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