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Trying to remove wheel from car


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I know, this sounds stupid, but I cannot, for the life of me, get the damn wheel off my beater. I took the lugnuts off, and lifted that wheel off the ground. The damn thing just will not budge. I have been beating the living shit out of this wheel for the past hour. I've taken many wheels off many cars and I've never had this much trouble. Am I missing something here?




Also, the tire on this rim is fairly new so I know it's been taken off recently (most likely when Ben (Satan) had the car.


Any ideas on how I could get this thing off would be appreciated.

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Guest powers

pb blaster on the hub


Lay flat on your back with your legs facing the wheel, get close enough to be able to really give it hell. Kick on the out side rim of the tire. Kick it has hard as you can and don't hold back. Make sure your other leg is not under the car just in case. Should pop off. I have had a few pesky ones before too but the leg trick seems to get them every time.

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Got it guys!!! PB Blaster is the shit!!! I forgot that I had a can of it here. I soaked the wheel down, let it sit for a couple minutes and hit the wheel as hard as I could again. After a few hits, it came right off. Whew!!! Now I have something to do tonight to keep me awake for the next 8 hours or so and not disturb the wife's beauty sleep.


Thanks for the help.

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Originally posted by racinbird:


Thanks for the encouragement, but you're right..LoL. The drum is on there as tight as it can be. Guess I'm gonna have to wait for the wife to wake up in the morning before I start hammering the hell out of it.
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Guest racinbird
Originally posted by Sully:

Thanks for the encouragement, but you're right..LoL. The drum is on there as tight as it can be. Guess I'm gonna have to wait for the wife to wake up in the morning before I start hammering the hell out of it.

Sorry, couldn't help myself, I've seen too many not want to come off and by that pic I figured you'd have some fun!! smile.gif
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