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Rotary peeps: Rotary Revolution in Indy


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These are emails I've received. Look at them if you would. Also, Mike will be posting soon on the subject.




Ok, I was not registered, I just registered and got the email but have to wait for approval.


The only other thing I need would be a list of the rotary owners on the forum (first/last/email) so we can add them to our club registration page. You can see how it works here:




Note the member comes to the page, then would select Columbus Racing, and then their name. This notifies the database that they should receive the discounted price.






-----Original Message-----

From: CR Lead Admin [mailto:cr@xxx]

Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:52 PM

To: MichRX7@xxx

Subject: RE: CR info




Mike, sounds like you have everything pretty well organized again this year J


Kyle believes you’re already registered on CR. Is this the case? If so, I invite you to post this information in our Meeting & Events section. I will sticky the topic and add it to the CR calendar. If you’re not registered, I ask that you please do so, so that you can post this info on the board. We have quite a few rotary owners on CR, and if I recall correctly, had 10+ attend last year’s Indy event.


What else will you need from me? I’m more than willing to assist any way I can.







From: Michael S. Ewles [mailto:MichRX7@xxx]

Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:47 PM

To: 'CR Lead Admin'

Subject: RE: CR info






Rotary Revolution 2005 is right around the corner. As we ready ourselves to begin registering hundreds of rotary vehicles for this year’s event we’d like to take time to help you promote your club through our event.


This year club’s that work with the Rotary Revolution will be giving their member’s a $10 discount off the on-line registration price. As a bonus, clubs that register at least 7 members will receive designated parking areas at the track when they arrive. Finally, as the Rotary Revolution closes each club president will take their two parking signs home with them to use at future club gatherings!




1. Your club must have at least seven rotary vehicle members.


2. We must receive a list of names and email addresses of your rotary vehicle members to verify when a club member registers online to give them their discount.


3. Club attendees must have rotary vehicles to park in designated areas


4. That’s it!


Hopefully through these efforts your club will gain more participating members, you’ll enjoy a caravan together to the event, and everyone in the club will save $10 off the on-line registration price to boot.


For more information, please contact us by email: MichRX7@xxx


We can’t wait to hear from you!


Signs will be approximately 1.5’ wide x 2’ high and look something like these with your logo or club name:





Michael S. Ewles


Co-Owner Lateral G






-----Original Message-----

From: CR Lead Admin [mailto:cr@xxx]

Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:40 PM

To: MichRX7@xxx

Subject: CR info




Kyle Bacon tells me you have some info for the rotary people on CR concerning the Indy meet.


What’s the word? Thanks!


~Anthony Green


Post here if any of you have questions and Mike or myself will answer. Thanks smile.gif

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I might add that hotel reservations are already being made as well. For those who went last year, the LEE'S INN did not kick us out(after last year's little bike race and police sweep) and is booking FAST.


For you non-rotary people:


The Rotary Challenge

The word is out, the challenge has been laid down and the local Indianapolis Piston-Pounders are lining up to take on North America's Fastest Rotary Vehicles. The Rotary Challenge debuts Friday night, April 22nd, 2005. Heads-up drag racing will take place from 8:00 - Midnight, and the rotary vehicles get the right-hand lane all to themselves to blow some flames on the hoods of the locals.

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Originally posted by Rotarded:

I might add that hotel reservations are already being made as well. For those who went last year, the LEE'S INN did not kick us out(after last year's little bike race and police sweep) and is booking FAST.



Originally posted by Rotarded:

I might add that hotel reservations are already being made as well. For those who went last year, the LEE'S INN did not kick us out(after last year's little bike race and police sweep) and is booking FAST.



that was a fun night smile.gif
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Guest GReddy69rx7
If I can get dates and times of when we are leavin, I'll bring my 93 FD3S and have some fun! Got a few things done to it, but it's not that fast (approx. 300-330 at the wheels). paced a 2002 svt stang with a 6 lb blower and engine internals for a good mile. Know of anywhere where I can get a T-78 single conversion for cheap? Will need a AEM Standalone, but I think I'll be able to get that. If you know of anything anywhere, drop me a line, otherwise just give me the dates and I'll show up.
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Guest GReddy69rx7
If I can get dates and times of when we are leavin, I'll bring my 93 FD3S and have some fun! Got a few things done to it, but it's not that fast (approx. 300-330 at the wheels). paced a 2002 svt stang with a 6 lb blower and engine internals for a good mile. Know of anywhere where I can get a T-78 single conversion for cheap? Will need a AEM Standalone, but I think I'll be able to get that. If you know of anything anywhere, drop me a line, otherwise just give me the dates and I'll show up.
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