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Cedar point: participant list & plans


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Just so no one gets lost I have made the directions of the route we will be taking for anyone who may need them, I encourage you to get my cell number from the first post though as well.


here are the super easy directions.

Don't trust mapquest/yahoomaps type places, ,they want you to go the cosway (not as direct, and more traffic)




-I-71N to Rt. 13N (mansfield exit) forget what the number is.

-Go through Mansfield & Norwalk

-Go through Milan.

-About 2 mi. north of Milan, Rt. 13 turns right. It is also called Mudbrook Rd.

-Take Mudbrook rd (rt. 13) to Rt. 2 west. (4-lane highway)

-Take 2 west to Rye Beach Rd. (should be the next exit, approx. 1.5 – 2 mi.)

-go north on Rye Beach Rd. and take the first left, it will be Cleveland Rd W.

-go west on Cleveland Rd. W for approx. 1.5 mi. and turn right onto Cedar point rd.

-follow Cedar point rd. approx. 4 miles to the gate entrance.


other update: http://wwwa.accuweather.com/adcbin/public/local_index_day.asp?zipcode=44839&metric=0&partner=accuweather&day=2

any inclimate weather should move out of the area by park time.


heard 3 different weather reports that say everything will clear up by mid morning, so if it's sprinkling at 9:am don't worry, (if thier wrong i'll kill them and turn them to gruel)


[ 08. October 2004, 01:36 PM: Message edited by: mesteno ]

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doesn't open till noon and it says "few showers" not "rain" or "t-storms"


just to emphisize, the park is open till midnight, and a early change of rain is IN OUR FAVOR!!!! it means some pussies will be chased off and shorter lines!! YEEEEEEEE HAAAAAA!!


and accuweather says differently too smile.gif



[ 09. October 2004, 01:52 AM: Message edited by: mesteno ]

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4) satan - Ben

5) satan - +1

8) buckeye - Scott

9) B1ackout - Kevin

11) Bobby Lee - Lee

16) Kuruma -

17) 00Smurf - Nic

18) HooberSi - KC

19) HooberSi - +1

20) pgsrt-4 - Ryan

21) pgsrt-4 - +1

22) neo - whatshisname


For not showing up and leaving us high and dry when You said you would be there. Fuck you all.


Still had an awesome time without you graemlins/thumb.gif

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so all these "emergencies" showed up at 8:00am on saturday morning?


when people depend on you to keep your word, it's good to let them know rather than just not show up.


But, i really shouldn't expect any better, I am mainly pissed at scott and Kevin, one a good guy who doesn't let people down often, and the other, supposed to represent the CR community. well, wait, he actually did a good job of it.

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Originally posted by mesteno:

so all these "emergencies" showed up at 8:00am on saturday morning?


when people depend on you to keep your word, it's good to let them know rather than just not show up.


But, i really shouldn't expect any better, I am mainly pissed at scott and Kevin, one a good guy who doesn't let people down often, and the other, supposed to represent the CR community. well, wait, he actually did a good job of it.

I would normally just tell you to check my post in the pics/vids section, but accusations like this need to be replied to. If it was just me and Scott that didn't show up, I could see you singling us out, but seeing as how "all these emergencies" signifies more than us, that seems a little harsh. I REALLY wanted to go that day. I switched work shifts with a guy about 2 weeks in advance, I tried to get a buddy to come with me, I offered my car as transportation, I burnt a CD for the trip the night before, talked everything over with Jason the night before, posted about wanting to see Jason's bro who I haven't seen since June at graduation, and even tried to convice sexychick97 or whatever to go after she was ripped to pieces by a few of the members on here by asking a simple question. The problem? Apparantly, I wasn't awake enough to comprehend my alarm and therefore didn't wake up until 9:10. I was seriously considering getting your number of the site, calling on my cellphone and requesting that you guys wait an hour for me to get dressed and make it to Polaris. But I figured that would be just as rude as not showing up. Sure, I could've made the hike myself, but the whole point of going was to hang out with people on the way, there, and back. So I threw that idea out as well. Then I check my messages at around 8:00p.m. and find one from Jason saying "It's 10 after 9, man, we're waitin on ya" and one from an unidentified person saying "Hey fucker, we're leaving. I'm disappointed you fucked us over. Later" Kinda sounded like Ant, but I didn't think he was going, but still I disregarded it as a subtle joke. But if others feel the same way you apparantly do, it changes the whole perspective of that message to me. I really don't know how I personally could have fucked you guys over, but if that's how you guys perceive it then I apolgize. Hell, I apologize anyways because I wanted to be there and fucked up. It wasn't because I forgot, because I had an emergency, or because I didn't want to go, just simply overslept. Then I get fucking reamed from you? graemlins/finger.gif
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"all these emergencies" refered to them not you. I'm more pissed that no one called.

I could give a shit less if people i have never met didn't call, but guys i know and respect, Ben (who cronically forgets shit), you (who are wiether you like it or not, are held in higher regard becase of the gavel by your name) and scott (who is a friend) Gave your word and broke it.

anyone who's number we had, i called and said the same thing, it wasn't just you.

I made no accusations, I stated a fact, that a bunch of people didn't show up. is this not true?


I never asked for excusses, I could care less why someone wasn't there, they just weren't and didn't tell us that they weren't going.


[ 10. October 2004, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: mesteno ]

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I counted the number of people going and me not going "should" not have been a big deal and since I don't fit in 90% of the rides I decided to stay home and work on my car since all my customers knew I was not avail. As well as I forgot that my dues at work came out this week so after I paid to get in I would have had 18.00 of free moneyand I figured that I would spend that in food and drinks alone. Joel I would have called you but I do not have a number. I am sorry it turned out this way.
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Originally posted by mesteno:

Please write down my cell number (614-876-4223) in case you need to get a hold of me that morning.


Bold means you are in for sure, let us know if not.

12 people didn't show, wow I'm sorry for you guys. One person not going isn't a big deal, but it all adds up. Sounds like Cedar Point didn't fuck you over though, that's good.
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