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why is there so many cops out lately !


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everwhere i go theres a cop or a pair of them last mon i almost got myself in trouble 2 times in a hour! within 3 blocks of my house around karl -maize rd i first laid rubber out of auto zone on cleveland ave u know its hard to turn left there and there was a cop right there to the left of me comign up at the light i was trippin! be gave me a look and drove on likei was stupid... i wont argue with him doin that in front of a cop isnt smart then on elmosre i pulled out of my buddys drivce way and laid rubber hard up to the lil center island and saw a cop was heading toward me i slowed down fast b4 i got to it he didnt seem to notice me smile.gif i gess im getign sloppy lately ... watch out guys theres more cops out than usual
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Driving recklessly and endangering others deserves getting a ticket.


Lack of punctuation, capitalization, and spelling mistakes deserves getting flamed.


This thread sucks. Thanks for playing, and have a shitty day. http://www.truckinohio.net/phpBB2/images/smiles/reddot.gif

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