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Cops with no lights at night......

Venture Guy

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ok...i thought this was freaking illegal...and i thought i would start a topic on it...maybe something good to talk about....i thought cops were supposed to have at least running lights on ......WTF....i was in I77 in akron...and radar...was going crazy....slowed down...and saw in the median..a cop gunning......but not a single light was on....hmm.....comments please!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest CavDriver96
Actually from what I understand they have to have their lights on to do anything. They are supposed to leave their lights on at night, even if it's just the parking lights.
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For the laws of ohio, they must have their parking lights on at least. If you pass a cop doing 90mph, and he doesn't have his lights on, technically he's not allowed to pull you over. But there is nothing stopping him from radioing his buddy a mile up the road to stop you.


but in WV, they can hind in the dark without any lights on and still pull you over.

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And if they don't have their lights on, who is going to win in court anyway? We're you speeding? Yes. So why would the judge let you off because the cop had no lights on even if you were indeed breaking the law.


How do I know?


I was pulled over for 42 in a 25 by a cop from out of NOWHERE. The next day I was driving the same stretch and saw him parked behind a bush with no lights on. So I took pictures of him on THREE seperate nights. Then I went to court.


The judge asked the cop if I was speeding. He said Yes. Then he asked me why I felt I was not guilty. I gave him a whole speach about the cop not having his lights on and showed him the pictures, ect. The judge looks at me and says "How does the cop not having his lights on change the fact that you were speeding, and thus breaking the law?"


You guessed it, it doesn't. So not only did I get the full points and fine for the ticket, I also got $75 court costs for "wasting the courts time." Moral of the story: Technicalities will NOT get you off, and will most likey piss the judge off.

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chris you are right in that matter. when i got pulled over for having my windows down, cop thought i might have tint since they were down :confused: i was going to fight it, but it was only a $60 ticket, and to even speak to the judge it would have cost me 55 bucks, so i didn't waste my time
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Guest sphen02
Originally posted by Stolen 5.0:

chris you are right in that matter. when i got pulled over for having my windows down, cop thought i might have tint since they were down :confused: i was going to fight it, but it was only a $60 ticket, and to even speak to the judge it would have cost me 55 bucks, so i didn't waste my time

so wait...just because you have your windows down they pulled you over...thats pretty shisty...i would think window tinting would be a secondary offense and they cant pull you over for it...granted they can make up a BS excuse for why they pulled you over...but who knows...cops are scurvy shishty bastards
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well guys i debated for about four days on whether

or not to reply on this.just to let you know there is nothing in the orc(ohio revised code)that states a law enforcement officer has to have headlights or parking lights on when running radar.i also know that 90% of the police agencies in franklin county dont have quotas!so an officer who is sitting well off the roadway and no way interferring with the flow of traffic can run radar without any type of light on.most officer run parking lights just to give people a fair chance.the officer without lights is WANTING to write tickets or trying to get into something bigger as we all know criminals do drive,and by no means am i saying anyone in here is a criminal.so an officer sitting without his lights on is perfectly legal.we may have had a burlary or robbery somewhere in the area or simply a car broken into and feel the suspects may still be in the area.so if we sit with our parking lights on a thief or robbery suspect sees us what is he going to do?,turn off on another street.so i hope this helps a little and sheds some light on the subject..have fun enjoy your cars and be safe.

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