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$195,000 WRX STI


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I just built the exact car they are selling on Subaru.com. The MSRP price INCLUDING destination was $33,778.


Anyone who pays MSRP for a car that isn't a low-volume/new relase car needs smacked around. I guarantee I could go to a dealer and get one just like that for less money out the door.


Then you have to consider 6 of them. Anyone buying 6 cars at a dealer at once is going to get a fleet discount = more savings. Simply put, I could go to the local dealer, order 6 the way I want them, and pay less $$ than that e-bay rip-off.

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Hey fucktards, I believe I can help solve this great mystery of yours:


It's actually a VERY ingenious marketing gimmick.


No one is going to buy 6 of those turds at a time. However, I guarantee that every message board on the planet is going to have some fuckstick post this "OMFG 6 WRX LOLOLOL STUP1D!!!111!!1! KEKEKEKEK!!11!11!11"


Now, stay with me here.


Someone in those 508469584968790468470986798694076 message board members will be looking for a 2005 STI and, you guessed it, will see that auction! It costs the dealer, what, about $50 in ebay fees since it won't sell but it will advertise like no newspaper or online ad service could even have a wet dream about.


Whoever had that idea at the dealer deserves a raise. Hell, they should own the dealership. They have effectively used the ignorance and gullibility of todays youth for their own gain. I think it's awesome.


You can thank me for solving this great mystery for you by PayPal'ing me $10. Thanks.

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Originally posted by WRallyBlue02:

^Christ and you bitch about people being assholes on here and ban people for that shit............Hello kettle this is pot, your black! I don't think this was posted in the kitchen........I could be wrong though :rolleyes:

i dont see that as such a flame.....its more like a lesson in marketing.
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