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GM has a 1.1BILLion dollar loss, withdraws their forecast


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Cut Buick, and cut GMC while consolidating the truck lines, stop making the fucking Grand Am when the G6 is already on sale.


If you noticed, the article says a lot of the loss was one time fees, like the payout to Fiat. Hopefully with more new model introductions this year they will end the year on a better note.

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

Best quote of the article:


"GM is going to have to learn to compete."


No shit.

I was going to prove the same point though, they let themselves get to this point. It dosent help that the Japenese made it personal to take down the American markets, and they are doing a very nice job at doing such. American needs to pull the bloated head out of their ass, we need to get back to basics, building the product, with our people, and stop letting every bean counter with a jaguar make vital company decisions that cut costs for immediate profits to fatten their own pockets at a sky high rate, and those bean counters need to also need to pull their asses out of debt, cause a crash will happen, companys will collaspe. America is depressing.
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