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Just a frinedly reminder to drive safe this holiday weekend!

Trouble Maker

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I haven't seen too many cops yet, but I'm sure there will be this afternoon or tomorrow. Always have the increased amount of traffic, and drunk drivers and the roads are just less safe. Be careful out there this weekend; don't want to hear about any wrecks or tickets.


Other than that, have fun! I'll get drunk for all of you a time or two this weekend for sure. Going to OSU game Saturday, then Saturday night is a buddy’s bachelor party up at the school I graduated from. :D

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Originally posted by CR Caddy:

Sounds like 2 events that you should be riding "shotty" for. Just make sure you take your own advice.

Lol, yes, definitely. I'll probably drive down to OSU and won't drink that much (have to have a beer or two tailgating)... BUT the bachelor part is up in Ada, I went to ONU, hence Tony’s funny, but utterly accurate statement. We do have ONE grocery store, one drive through, and another convince store you can get beer and bad liquor at. A mere 15 minutes away towards Lima is Daryl and Daryl’s on SR-309, where you can get real liquor. The town is small enough that you can walk anywhere you need to, especially when you're drunk. My car will be firmly parked back at the house. graemlins/thumb.gif
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