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not sure why but this is upsetting


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yeah fuck that chick for selling her car, does she not now how much time went into doing that truck especially for her persona? They stayed up late doing all types of crap and grrr it's frustrating when people can't or don't appreciate how much time can go into a project like that. And you can't compare that show to pimp your rides either, those cats just slap crap onto a car without actually doing anything to it. More over, if its a car they just are too retarded to mess with they just buy the person a new ride? The fuck is that. Anyways /rant off but that bitch is a dumb whore who didn't deserver that truck to begin with.
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Wasn't that the episode where she didn't have any money and they told her the motor was blown. She was crying to her aunt and uncle telling them she didn't know what she was going to do. What a stupid bitch. I bet that is a real kick in the balls for the people of overhaulin.
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Ya I mean I REALY want to go on that show as a builder. Other shows give prizes but I think that totaly rocking someones world would be SO much better (not to mention I know how badly you can want your project done and not be able to get it done)Plus working with a Chip foose level of a builder would be way better than a mas tools box and likr 6 screw drivers. But putting it on Ebay is to me like spiting in the builders faces, I kinda hope someone steals it and totals it before she gets the check.
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Even though i feel like it was one of his weaker projects on the show


it still took a long time and customization on team foose's part for this dumb biatch to turn around and sell it!


FAUKEN WHORE!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by Murasaki:

Wow what a dumb bitch.. And I thought on those types of shows they make you sign papers saying you won't sell it under penalty of law or some shit?

OK...So the poor chick can't afford to keep her car on the road...They do an ass ton of work to the truck without her approval...And then tell her she can't sell it after they put a whole bunch of shit in there she doesn't actually need?


Food > Loud stereo and cool paint


Maybe she has her priorities straight, or maybe she is a greedy bitch. Who knows?

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hey it's what she had said she liked during the show, and if she couldn't afford to keep the truck on the road, why have kept the truck or wanted it in the first place? The things going to guzzle gas despite what foose did to the car and they did do a lot of work on it. Whatever though, doubt it has anything to do with priorities and more to do with just wanting money. Check out the auction and the reserve still hasn't been touched.



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